Hi everyone,
The beta 257.28 is available.
If the Android exporter is already installed on your machine, just download and install the patch of Please login to see this link..
If the Android exporter is not installed, run the installer below (and then run the patch above to be sure the other exporters are up to date):
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link.
If any problem with this version, just re-install the Please login to see this link..
PS: please make backup copies of your MFA files before using this version, just in case...
Thanks for testing!
Bug fixes and new features in 257.28
- Fix for OUYA buttons
- Fix for "follow the frame" option of extension objects
- New OUYA InAppPurchase features
Bug fixes and new features in 257.27
- New "Build API" option in the Android properties of the application to allow you to select the Android API you want to use to build your application with (PS: the API you indicate must be installed in the Android SDK). Note 1: even if you choose a recent API your application will continue working on devices with an older API (>= 2.3). Note 2: we've noticed a possible significant speed increase if you build with newer APIs, we would appreciate if you could build your applications with different APIs, test them on different devices and report your results, thanks!
- New Android Dialog object, allows you to display various types of Android controls
- (Dev only) New AdMob object, allowing to change size, color, alignment and others in Admob
- New features in the Android object to show/hide the action bar and retrieve information about the device
- New features in the Android object to show/hide the keyboard and detect if it's visible
- Various crashes have been fixed (waiting for an exact change log)
- Accelerometer object: it should now return values in G identical to the iOS version (it was previously returning values in m/s and these values were different on several devices)
- Fix in Center Display action in previous beta version
- Added security in INI object to avoid it to crash in some error cases
- Fix in radio button objects
- Easing object now ported to Android
- (Dev only) Update in LeadBolt and ChartBoost objects
- Video Android object: you can now pack up to 5 videos in the APK
- Get Object now can handle https and authorization (password and user)
- Security fixes in Listbox and Combobox objects
- Security added to Sound features
- Fixed crashs in OUYA apps
- Active and Background System Box objects: now follow the frame + images in pattern mode are now clipped to the object's rectangle.
- Fix in Location object
- Fix in Active Picture object (was not loading files in some cases)
I probably forget things...
Also I think OUYA InApp Purchase features have been implemented but the actions are not visible in this version, I think I haven't been sent the new OUYA object. I'll upload it later.
Bug fixes and new features in 257.23 & 24
- No fixes in the Android exporter, only fixes in the editor and PC runtime.
Bug fixes and new features in 257.22
- new Required Hardware properties in the Android properties of the application (OpenGL 2.0, GPS, Camera, Bluetooth)
- if Require GPU is selected, then the application no longer appears for devices that have no GPU
- if you select OpenGL 2.0 as graphic mode, the application no longer appears for devices that haven't this version of OpenGL
- new OUYA icon property. This image is displayed by the launcher on OUYA consoles (size = 732x412).
- new OUYA application propery, you have to select this property for the OUYA icon to be included.
- new Calendar Entry object (allows you to read/write in a device calendar)
- new Input Type object (allows you to set the type of keyboard in edit boxes)
- new Video Android object (allows you to play video files on Android devices - mainly .mp4 format, see the documentation)
- [MMF2 Dev only] new ChartBoost object (ads)
- [MMF2 Dev only] new In-App Billing object (In-app Billing is a Google Play service that lets you sell digital content from inside your applications)
- [MMF2 Dev only] new LeadBolt object (ads)
- Unicode version: the Edit box settings were not correctly read in the application
- incorrect indexes in sound channel actions
- List and Combo added recognition to *.ext for file list (pige pas, demander à Fernando)
- Control objects are now resized correctly
- List and ComboBox Objects, added 3D look, custom background and text color
- Clipboard functions now work
- Active/Background System Box, now display correct text color
- Multiple Touch object: new "Touch on an object" and "A touch is active on an object" conditions
- Multiple Touch object: new pinch features
Bug fixes and new features in 257.20
- Fix issues with joystick position
- Transitions are now ignored (instead of crashing the Android application)
- Jump to current frame no longer crashes
- Fixes in decimal properties in counters
- StringBuilder extension has been ported
- Open/Pause debugger actions no longer crash the runtime
- Gradient counter not displayed when you set it to a floating point value
- Array object: crash in the Clear Array action for text arrays
Bug fixes and new features in 257.17
- Fix in the Compare to Chrono & Count Down conditions of the Date & Time object, as well as in the Retrieve stop watch time and Retrieve count down time functions
Bug fixes and new features in 257.16
- Accelerometer values are now in the same range as the iOS runtime
- Accelerometer joystick now works (in the Frame properties)
- Various fixes for interoperability with the Unicode export
- Embedded files now work if you pass a full pathname
- List Box and Combo Box objects: Load File List and Load Directory List have been implemented
- Combo Box object: Load & Save List now work
- Combo Box object: the base index was not taken into account in values returned by Find String
- "Mouse in zone" did not work correctly (Fernando)
- For Each object fixes (Fernando)
- String Parser MD5 function did not work correctly (Fernando)
- Fix disappearing image counter objects (Fernando)
Bug fixes and new features in 257.14
- Black screen issue: if the "Force GPU rendering" option was checked in the Android Developer options Android was displaying a black screen for applications created with MMF2. Note: the "Force GPU rendering" option might cause reduced performance (not sure though), you should test your applications with and without this option and if any speed issue you should probably tell your users to turn it off.
- List and ComboBox objects were incorrectly initialized in the Unicode version.