Welcome to the Projects and Developments forum for the Clickteam Community.
This forum was created to centralise all threads relating to "new/current/past" and "released" games or applications made with TGF, Multimedia Fusion 2, 2.5 or any of the available exporters.
You may use this forum to post threads regarding your current game/application developments. Feel free to create a thread in here for a project you're working on. If your project has been successfully completed and released, feel free to post it in the appropriate sub-forum for it's release.
General forum rules still apply and I kindly ask (although not required) if you wish to create a thread regarding your game(s)/app(s) development, try and include some screenshots.
If you have any threads already scattered around the forum and you wish for me to move them here, please drop me a PM and I'll move them for you. All previous exporter released threads should remain in-tact as they were.
Happy Developing