I'm quite tempted to upgrade from MMF2 to Clickteam Fusion 2.5 but my only call for concern is compatibility.
I'm a Linux user to start with, I have been using MMF2 with the Android Exporter with hardly any problems at all. I'd rather not upgrade if the compatibility layer (Wine) will have issues (this includes you Crossover users). I can't see it happening since it's a similar code base to MMF2, but there's that chance it might.
I'm aware an editor and exporter is coming to Mac soon, but what I'm a bit puzzled about is: How does that work?
Is it a re-write of MMF2/Fusion 2.5 but with everything natively supported for Mac, including exporters?
I would of thought they'd be issues as MMF2 heavily depends on Windows APIs and protocols (DirectShow and system objects spring to mind) so existing projects might be missing objects. If Fusion 2.5 is using a similar codebase, wouldn't projects no longer be able to use the 100 odd extensions for the EXE runtime? My other thought is using a packager like Please login to see this link. which allows Windows programs to have a native feel on Mac systems.
My next question... will there be any Linux support for Fusion 2.5 or Fusion/MMF 3? Particularly with SteamOS heading next year, which runs Linux at its core. Seeing Clickteam being the easiest drag-and-drop on all three platforms would be amazing.