Hi I was looking at the platformer physics movement and I'm having trouble finding the variables that will allow for more customization when it comes to animations. I want to know how to tell the game whether or not the character is on the ground/in the air/moving/not moving/etc so that I can do animations properly. Although I did notice that it can be done automatically if the animations are set properly (fall animation in falling for example) Although I do not trust the automation to do what I want when I want. Basically I'm trying to re-code a platformer from using the PMO to using the physics platformer. However as far as I can tell the conversion process is not so cut and dry. I'm hoping I'm missing something. Also I noticed in the platformer physics tutorial that some times a platform character can step on a object and some times it just floats around on top. What is the deciding factor that allows objects to be stood on top without sliding around? (it's this tutorial) Please login to see this link.
To sum it up I just want to be able to customize the animations based on the platformer physics movement. I need variables such as x,y velocity, accel, decel. Unfortunately I can't find them.
Oh and this would all be a moot point if I can use a non physics object with a physics object. Is that possible or does box2D only play with it's own objects?
Another issue I am having is that I tried to give an edited exe of one of the platformer physics frames to my friend as an exe but he told me it wouldn't run because it cannot find Box2Dplatform.mvx! How does this make sense? Isn't this an exe? Shouldn't it have everything that is needed to run it in the exe. Are there separate files that I'm unaware of? Thanks for your time.