Please mention any more extensions here you find which are not working with Fusion 2.5
* MMF2 Params Object
* File-Folder Object
* SQLServer
* SQLite3
* SQLite3 Pro
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Open a TicketPlease mention any more extensions here you find which are not working with Fusion 2.5
* MMF2 Params Object
* File-Folder Object
* SQLServer
* SQLite3
* SQLite3 Pro
Cool idea!
We need to get the creators of those extensions to do a little update on them so they work in 2.5
I believe the main issue is they need to be unicode compatible.
Nico just gave me a good idea about posting up a news post asking extension creators to help us by converting their old extensions and/or making sure we have their extensions in the new extension manager inside Fusion 2.5
Any help people can do on spreading the word about this is handy.... I am a little bit busy still catching up on things at the moment.
Ah, unicode. Well if I knew anything about extensions I'd be glad to help. Sadly not. I'm hoping they can just release the source code and then anyone can update them. Sphax is responsible for those first two extensions I believe.
SQLitePro is critical for the touchscreen app I am working on. Hope this happens quickly.
* Advance Menu Object
CF2.5 crashed for me on startup due to
Stochastic Utility.mfx
If they are ignored it works fine!
Sometimes extensions cause a crash because of outside factors, such as anti-virus or other large program running.
I am using the CreateByName & StochasticUtility extensions just fine in CTF
This thread should be stickied, IMO.
The Zip Object and Archive Object appear to be recognized but they can't extract or delete files.
Box2D v2.0 is not compatible..cause crash..
Please ClickTeam sticky this thread and please contact extension developers and ask them to help us out. My copy of Fusion 2.5 is useless cause I cant use SQL objects by byo. Please please please clickteam do something.
Nyc, there are quite a few extensions where they are both old and the developers have vanished to who knows where. As far as I know, the SQL objects are such a case, unfortunately, so contacting byo may be impossible (seriously, when is the last time you saw byo post? (I just checked, it was back in 2009, 4 years ago)), meaning it might not ever be able to be modified to work with Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Ever. Clickteam can't do anything about extension developer's decisions, personal lives, etc. stopping them from making extensions. However, someone could potentially make a new extension that is compatible with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 that is able to do what you want.
byo is around and here is his last post (21st October, 2013) Please login to see this link.
Huh, looks like I missed a post, then. I guess there is a possibility of it getting changed to work with Clickteam Fusion 2.5, then.
Good news everyone! The file-folder object has now been updated. Please login to see this link..
That's great. Hope to see my favorite SQL extension get updated too.
The MMF2 Params object has now also been updated. Please login to see this link. to update.
Hi, guys.
Could you please tell me by PM or even here what's the error you're facing with the SQLite3 extensions?
I'm testing them with CF 2.5 and they are working fine so far.
Could you elaborate a little please?
Please make you sure you have done the following:
1) If your Windows is x64, please copy the "sqlite3.dll" file to the "SysWOW64" folder in your Windows path (ie. "C:\Windows\SysWOW64")
2) Make sure you're using the latest version which is 2.0.
Soon we'll have the latest version in the Extension Manager so we'll all be using the same version.
Please let me know. Thank you.
Best regards,
Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo)
The Zip Object and Archive Object appear to be recognized but they can't extract or delete files.
Can you upload an example of the Archive object not working? I can use it fine on Windows 7 32bit with Fusion 2.5
That's great. Hope to see my favorite SQL extension get updated too.
Hi, Nyc.
I have hopefully corrected the "is a database open" always true bug.
Could you please contact me in PM so I can send you a test file if possible?
Best regards,
Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo)
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