Cinematic Shaders Pack - suggestions

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Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi everybody

    I would suggest a developer of shaders for Clickteam Fusion 2.5, a list of shaders, see a pack of shaders might be interested.

    Having seen much of the other development sites, I found it lacking ...


    Well, here is a list of suggestions :

    Vignette : Add a kind of radial shape effect in transparency, it's a fashion effect foundable in some games...
    Params : (set Width and Height of ovale, set blur, set "turbulence" in blur, set color, set transparency)
    Preview (in this idea) : Please login to see this link.

    Flare lighting : Add a preset shape based on a star that we can rotate it in background, get its little effect in some funny games...
    Params : (set branch number, set radius of branch inner, set radius of branch outer, set angle/pivot, set color, set transparency)

    Framer : Shows two black rectangles (default) to give a 16:9 image style, convenient for cutscenes
    Params : (set height of rectangles, set color)

    Watermark : Displays an image in pattern in overlay, useful to protect a demo game or demonstration app...
    Params : (Set image, set angle, set scale, set transparency)

    After I don't if we can create some specials effects :

    Water : Allows to create a "complex" sea or water element, and get a perfect water reflecting effect...
    Params : (set reflectivity, set angle, set delta, set emboss, set frequency, set speed, set speed X, set speed Y, set intensity, set transparency)

    Rain / Snow : Allows to create a rain or snow trhough frame (by example)
    Params : (set image (a strike for rain and a dot blured for snow), set lengh of drop, number of drop, set angle of drop, set speed, etc ...)

    Fire : Generate a flame based on params (very nice for torch, firecamp, etc...) in this idea maybe : Please login to see this link.
    Params : N/A
    Preview : Please login to see this link. (to see)


    With no programming knowledge, I do not know what are the possible develop shaders ...

    Thanks alot,

    Nicolas "Nico" Sourdeval
    2D / 3D / Video Artist
    Please login to see this link.

    Edited once, last by Nico (March 23, 2016 at 4:32 PM).

  • Vignette can be achieved already very easily with basic ink effects.

    Framer it can be done with actives - why shader for it.

    Watermark - Active again - why shader for it?

    Water - Both Eagle4 and Psichix done water shaders, and there was even something with reflectivity in one od Klikdiscs, but I wouldn't call it a goer as we do not have multiple cameras/renderes in MMF and that what reflectivity is in 2D environment.

    Rain / Snow - Snow was done by Eagle4 just as Actives and looked very nicely, same with rain: Please login to see this link.

    Fire - Also Eagle4 presented lovely Fire effect and we had even Fire Extension promoted heavily by Kisguri ages ago.

    End is near.

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