For some reason, I can not seem to get a SEND intent to work. At best, I can get a custom titled chooser box with no options. I am using the Android object, starting an intent. I have tried passing android.intent.action.ACTION_SEND, android.intent.action.ACTION_SENDTO, as well as a number of other things with all sorts of combinations of URIs, but it just doesn't seem to do anything. EDIT: Logcat does say "no activity found to handle intent". Permissions are fine. I have checked anything and everything relevant to no avail.
I've even tried using Stephen's Android Email extension (Please login to see this link.), but it causes the app to freeze and crash if you cancel the Email popup without choosing to run something, and it doesn't have the flexibility I am looking for.
If I am just doing something wrong here, will someone please tell me what that is and tell me how to do it correctly? From what I'm noticing, it looks like the intents just don't work, but I hope that isn't the case.