Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • First of all, sorry for my poor English. I will try to understand me best.

    I have a problem with the software I'm creating.

    It is a tool to insert buttons and images. The names and pictures I keep in a file "ini" as follows:

    [Button 1]
    X = 32
    Y = 32
    [Button 2]
    X = 32
    Y = 64
    [Image 1]
    Path = D: \ Software \ Image1.jpg
    [Image 2]
    Path = D: \ Software \ Image2.jpg

    Ok. I downloaded an example to handle the "ini" and all is well, but when editing buttons and pictures ... I can not save the information.

    I have a global variable called "Button_ID" where I store the ID of the buttons are added and each button has a variable named "ID"

    I do the following:

    - Button "Create" was clicked?
    Create_Button [0,0]
    Add 1 to GlobalVariable "Button_ID"
    Set value to ID("Button") = GlobalVariable "Button_ID"

    And each button has a saved ID. But when I do the loop for storing data that has all the buttons on the form, I do not know how.

    So I'm doing:

    - Button "Save" was clicked?
    Create_Loop("Saving_Data") (Button_ID times)

    - On_Loop("Saving_Data")
    - Loop_Index("Saving_Data") == ID("Button")
    - Set XPos("Button") to item "X" from group "Button"+Str$(ID)

    I do not in any way, as it always variable ID button is 4 (If I have 4 buttons)

    It is always saved the last button created variable in this example 4.

    In which way could iterate through the buttons you created in dynamic form to save your data in the file?

    Thank you very much for your time!


  • Thanks anyway

    I could already solve the problem.

    I leave it here in case anyone needs it.

    Before starting the loop, put the Button variable ("ID") at 1.

    During the loop, performing the action I wanted and then executing the action: Spread 1 to Button ("ID") and that way I worked.



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