I created a quick WebSockets Extension,
It implements the most basic functions of WebSockets into the HTML5 runtime,
I used Please login to see this link. as a backend to test functionality, and it ran all right for me,
Tested it on FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer 10/11.
WebSockets are just normal TCP sockets, except used natively by the browser, and invoked via JavaScript.
Pretty useful for realtime applications, like games, chat, anything really, but its a separate standard from normal sockets,
If you work on the low-level end, you could probably get it to function with any socket software, with a bit of jury rigging.
Usage is very simple, open a socket, get a good connection, send and receive messages, all triggered events.
Grab it off my github >Please login to see this link.<
with instructions to install, and remember, this is a very basic implementation, and its also a pre-release.
Oh yeah, typo in the JSON, leaving the port at 0 when creating a new socket just defaults to port 80.
Let me know bugs and whatnot, or feature requests.