Looking for someone with Exp. in Android and Apple

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  • Hey Clickers!

    Me and my team are looking for someone who 1. either released a gaming App on Android/IOS or 2. knows alot abot the whole process. (we prefer 1. though)
    We are about to finish our game and got alot of questions that need to be answered :)

    If someone would like to help us, PM me or just write in this thread and im gonna PM you back <3

    Big Thanks to whoever can spare some time for us!!

  • Feel free to just ask the questions here.

    That way you can get a lot of different opinions and views from a variety of people.
    Others might also have your same questions but haven't asked them yet or thought of the question.

    Please login to see this link.

  • oh well, havent thought about that! you're right.

    ok so here we go:

    1. of all, how much does it cost to even upload the app at apple and android? i heard that android is free, but im not that sure.

    2. given the developer kit, do you have to test your game with some programm for bugs or screen resolution etc? (in general, do you have to make resolutions for any kind of screen/smartphone or is there a program to automatically do that? especially for android, apple obviously has not that many smartphones.)

    3. i guess apple and android are testing your app before they release it. how strict are the rules/people there? can they help you fix bugs? Could there possibly be any bugs at all cause the game itself is made with Fusion 2.5 and not programmed by hand?

    4. how do you earn money? do you have to make a special account for google/apple where the money is sent at every month? Do you have to open a certain business to even earn money? (we live in germany, the rules here might be different, i know!)

    5. we'd like to make our app payed (1,00€) for apple and free for android. how does it work with advertisement? are there any standard-you-cant-do-anything-wrong-with-this-sponsor--sponsors that are trustworthy and pay fair? do you get payed for downloads, clicks, views etc? how much of that money is going to apple and how much to android? (i've read different stories on this, 1/3 apple, 1/3 android?)

    6. in general, would there be any paperwork for us on the way to the release?

    7. depending on the effort, which company would earn you more money? apple for 1€ or android for free (lets just pretend we get alot of downloads ;) ) on a long time perspective.

    8. how do you keep your games updated? Or is patching a game just like uploading a newer version of the edited mfa from fusion? Do we need a real programmer to fix bugs or even a community service to help people out?

    9. how long does it take for a game to get known? i've read that android and especially apple rarly highlight games from developers who arent well known.. can you pay them to put you up higher in the list? (well i guess you can with all those crappy apps being in the top 10, but just wanna make sure) How much would they want from you?

    Phew... i guess thats all for the moment! If i come along more questions, i let you know, but this should be enough to get a little impression of what it will be like! :)

    And while im at it, I just wanted to thank you guys for creating such an amazing program like fusion. It really makes our dream of being game developers come true! Keep up the nice work, we love you! <3

    Best regards,


  • In answer to question 1:

    Google play require you to pay a one off fee, I don't recall what I paid but I think it was around $25.
    Apple require you to pay £60 (or $99) each and every year. When you stop paying, your apps are removed from the store.

    I have a phone and tablet for both Apple and Android and test directly on them. I have some friends with other phones and tablets who can help test too, which is really useful. I never use the emulators as I find them less than useful.

    I find Apple will reject, sometimes with a helpful reason sometimes not. But it is up to you to resolve and fix. Google have not rejected anything I have submitted to date.

    You create a merchant account with Google. For both Google and Apple you give them your bank details and they pay in at various intervals.

    I believe ads are dependent upon the terms of each Apple / Android store. I don't have much experience here, sure someone will be able to comment.

    Depends upon other factors such as taxes etc for your territory. As far as your dealings with Apple and Google you have to comply/accept/submit online forms for tax and export purposes but I found this painless.

    My experience is more people on Apple buy stuff. On both it is really hard to get noticed, even with a free app. A publisher may help promote your game so that might be something to consider. We were lucky with our first Apple game and we got featured in a Retro section. That generated loads of downloads. Other apps we have found difficult to get many downloads but then again we are not good at marketing our apps and have not spent a lot of time to do that (it's a sideline for us, not a source of income).

    You create a new version and upload. You have to do a bit more on Apple but it's reasonably easy to do.

    Good question, if you find the answer please share with us all :) PS: Please login to see this link. ;) Some people have had great success, many have had some to none. But I love making apps and being able to release them, maybe this time next year I will be a millionaire! ;)

    Well that's my experience anyway, hope the above helps.

    Andy H @ Please login to see this link. - Please login to see this link.
    Retro Gaming @ Please login to see this link.

  • 1) Andy is right. 25 one time fee for Android, $99 a year for Apple

    2) I am not sure about Android but iOS's Xcode has an iPhone/ipad emulator. But its always best to test on actual devices. I know you can invite people to test out beta versions of your app on Android and its pretty easy to do. Not sure about iOS

    3) Google doesn't review your app. As long as you meet all the criteria and upload a good apk its up on the market right away. It takes a few hours for it to show up on the store though. Apple does review every app (and update) uploaded. It took 7 days for my app to be reviewed. According to the log it took them 4 minutes to review it. But my game is simple.

    4) I use Google Admob for my Google ads. Apple made me digitally fill out tax information and contracts. My game is free on both platforms but I have ads running. I think on iOS you can sign up as either an individual (shows your name in the app store) or sign up as a business (more documentation is required for that.

    5) Typically if the app is paid you wouldn't include ads. So I would charge like 99¢ or so on iOS. I think they take about 15% of the price. (Same with Google). Ads are more difficult. I would read up on CPC and PCP. I would look it up online because its hard for me to explain on here. Full screen ads are going to make you more as well as clicks. Try not to be too pushy with the ads though. You don't want them to intrude with gameplay

    6) Paperwork is done digitally. At least in the US. Can't comment on Germany though. Google sent me a letter in the mail with a PIN to activate on AdSense for ads.

    7) I can't really comment. My game has been out on Android for a month and it has over 7,000 downloads. IOS version has only been out a few days and it has about 120.

    8) Its as easy as uploading a new exported project. Google's is easier. Apple has to review your updates which is unfortunate. I've had to push out emergency updates with broken things. On iOS that will be more difficult because it takes a few days for them to approve it.

    9) Not sure about paying them directly to get featured. I paid about 10 bucks a day for a week on Admob to advertise my game and it got a ton of downloads (most in the Philippines which is odd. Maybe cause I didn't pay a lot for the ads). You can try submitting your game to review sites to gain exposure as well.

    I should add that to publish to iOS you need to buy a Mac that can get the latest Xcode. It's much easier to publish on Android as I had 0 problems doing so, but there's a lot of hoops to get it finally published. It was quite an investment. Let me know if you have more questions!

  • hey guys, sorry for answering so late, had stuff to do :)

    First of all, big thanks for the answers!! Really appreciate the help!

    There are still some questions open though, which i really need to know :) Im gonna write them down again:

    1. is there a way to manage the screen resolution for every smartphone? I mean, there are phones with big screens and smaller screens, do we need to do something about that or does this work automatically somehow? and how do you manage the resolution for tablets?

    2. can there be bugs when we use fusion? Its not coded by hand, so can i expect that the app is gonna be bugfree after converting it with the android addon for fusion?

    Well thats it for now :)

    Best Regards


  • 1. Fusion handles it for you but you have lots of options. You can choose to stretch up / shrink down, preserve aspect ratio, fit inside or fit outside (the last two increases/decreases the window size as needed). In a nutshell it's very flexible and doesn't require you to do much yourself.

    2. Bugs in Fusion? The odd one here or there but they tend to get fixed pretty quickly once you report them. Bugs in your own events and game logic - most likely ;) but with the exception of iOS/Android specific features you will be able to debug and fix in either Windows, iOS or Android. You will find for the most part that what you create for Windows should work the same in iOS and Android with little to no modification. If you build and test on your target devices as you go along you will find it pretty easy - any problems can be dealt with as they come up.

    Andy H @ Please login to see this link. - Please login to see this link.
    Retro Gaming @ Please login to see this link.

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