This is how I see this:
A = 1
IF "Space Bar Pressed" && A == 1 A == 1
This is TRUE even if I don't Press Space
A = 1
This give TRUE also
IF A=0
IF A <> 0
OR (logical)
A <> 0
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Open a TicketThis is how I see this:
A = 1
IF "Space Bar Pressed" && A == 1 A == 1
This is TRUE even if I don't Press Space
A = 1
This give TRUE also
IF A=0
IF A <> 0
OR (logical)
A <> 0
Hi MOBii and all clickers! I think you have logical issue for this! You code is wrong, this code contain logical error! For sample you set:
First condition = second condition, and A <> 0 = A == 1, A == 2 and etc. This is logical wrong!
Try this code:
or try this code:
Maybe this help for you! If I right understand you!
You see the picture it's a "IF" in the EventEditor
the code don't matter!
This is what I don't understand
Press "Space Bar" is FALSE until it is pressed
TRUE statement
OR ( logical )
TRUE statement
This Event should ONLY be TRUE IF "Space Bar" Is Pressed!
This is 3 statement to be checked in the Event field in the Event Editior
IF "Space Bar" Is Pressed && TRUE TRUE
Point is the Event Editor make this TRUE:
OR ( logical )
I read this as: FALSE && FALSE TRUE
I just state that A = 1 before it get to the line in EventEditor
It's hard to explain when ClickFusion don't have real code
My EventEditor Code:
OR ( logical )
Should be FALSE but it's TRUE
Line above is FALSE NOT TRUE as the EventEditor say!
Yeah it's hard to explain what you want to say. Maybe look at the code through the list editor, that's how I usually view code and work on it. I'm looking at the image right now. You say that A=1 before it reaches the code in the event editor. I don't exactly understand why you would want both upon pressing spacebar + A=1 OR A=1. If you're testing for A=1 regardless, why would the spacebar matter?
Either conditions will fire off the actions in the string. If A=1 then your action will work. Spacebar press seems redundant since A=1 is already true. Can you help me understand this?
Making sure you understand that the OR condition is similar to separating the conditions as two lines of code, but have the same action outcome. The spacebar condition will not affect the lone A=1 condition below the OR. View mock image below:
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This would make the spacebar condition FALSE until proven TRUE when you press it. A=1 for both conditions would already be TRUE since A=1 beforehand. But since the OR command views it as either conditions will set off the actions in the string, the A=1 TRUE overrides the spacebar + A=1 conditions which always will trigger your actions.
Hi Sumo and all clickers! Yeah Sumo, this is I tell about them! Maybe MOBii not corrected question or we not corrected understand him? Any way, this screenshot with his code is wrong! I written about this is up!
New picture, this code execute to TRUE!
// In old Example:
// Space Bar is NOT pressed so it's FALSE (Until Space Bar is Pressed)
// I use A = 1 because I want to test a TRUE statement!
// Because the OR statement ignore the AND in this case in Clickfusion
so the CASE is still:
OR (logical)
// in printed Code:
Normally that statement is FALSE
but in Clickfusion that statement is TRUE
It's a ClickFusion bug!
It is NOT a question it's a Clickfusion BUG
ClickFusion Statement:
// in printed Code:
Sorry, but no, this isn't a bug.
Before the OR you're saying "If A=0 and if A=1"
After the OR you're saying "If A=1"
So the first half is false because A cannot be 0 and 1 at the same time.
After the OR is True because A does = 1...
so the event will fire.
so if your statement says
"If A = 1 and the spacebar is pressed" then do this...
"If A = 1" then do this anyway... (even if the spacebar isn't pressed)
Hi folks! Ahh MOBii! I see, that all not understand you, and I too! As I tell ago, your code is not logical right! Really I can't understand you! That you want doing? Please more detail for this! Sorry me, but your code is very stupid! As Tune tell about this, the variable is not set two different values as one time, and Boolean variable is too! I think you need educate programming logical, you have really big space into this!
I'm sorry but you need to understand that this is not a fusion bug, you are not understanding how the OR feature works. At the start of the frame you set A=1. The first part of your code BEFORE the OR is "A=0, A=1". Since A=1 this part of the condition does not work since A cannot be both 0 and 1. If multiple conditions are stacked then all of them have to be true to fire off the action. HOWEVER, your OR condition checks the other conditions below it as well! Your A=1 condition BELOW the OR is TRUE! This will fire off your code regardless of the other conditions being returned as FALSE! The OR command will check either conditions above/below it; if either of the conditions work the the following action will work. It doesn't matter if one of the OR parts of the code doesn't work, as long as one of them does it will work.
This is somewhat confusing, using logical 'OR' results more like this, in pseudo code:
var A = 1;
var SpaceBarPressed = true;
if( (SpaceBarPressed && A === 1) || (A === 1) ) {
[indent]console.log('Do Something');[/indent]
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Each are grouped and tested separate, and both result to true.
But, if SpaceBarPressed is false, then the first group is false, but the second is still true,
A === 1 would have to return false to make either false, and make the event not fire.
Yeah I don't get this... Obviously the code will return true because it's looking at either condition and seeing if either one is true... the second condition is true, therefore the actions will be triggered.
This would be true in any programming language.... I'm failing to get what is a bug here.
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