Hi everyone, I'm new here. I done making a game with Fusion 2.5 Dev and unable to test it on my phone, and I tried on few emulators as well. after i build , installed on my phone and run it, my phone says " activity com.yourcompany.yourapplication unfortunately unresponding or something says the apllication has stopped. Can someone help me, what is the problem that make the game unable to run?
Is it the Android properties settings I had set wrong? something like API, min. android version and target android version. Or something related to the Java
and android sdk. Or others...
My phone is android 2.3.5. and my friends phone is 4.3 tested with API 14 still unable to run...
I'd changes some below properties to test:
API = 14 or 19
min andr ver = 2.2
target andr ver = 2.3.3 / 2.3.4 or 4.0/4.0.1/4.0.2
requires GPU
Java and android sdk info:
Java SE6 (ver. 1.7) for x64 , android sdk API #14 installed.
Otherwise, a guide to ensure able to run on phones would be helpful. I'll reply ASAP if anything to ask.
ps: don't know this thread should post on here. I need to faster solve this problem. Thanks in advance~