Online High Score Tutorial

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Yes the easiest place to do that would be in the PHP scripts.

    Check when a user submit a score if a score with that name already exists.

    If it does and the new score is lower -- Do nothing
    If it exists and the new score is higher -- Update record with new score value
    If it doesn't exists enter the new score record

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  • Thanks a bunch for this Sparckman! This is fantastic! If you care to see how I implemented this in my game, feel free to jump over to it Here:

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    Control or Left mouse button Flaps the plane!

  • Hi Spärck,

    I am about to launch my game these days and with so many tests I have database with junk ratings, is there any way to delete the data without creating a new database?

    José Rafael Marcano
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  • Hollario! Ok this might be one of the best tutorials around here. I guess I am right when I say: this online score works with any exporter for it does not use any other extensions than the basic ones, right? So, thank you a lot! This will be useful for a lot of people!

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    Gamedesign - Music - Sfx

  • I finally got around to doing this, it helped a lot! I got it up and running on my PC in no time, ran into a small (silly) problem when I was trying to make it work on my Android phone, just had to tick the "internet" permission.

    Check out my Game on
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  • Hello friends,
    thank you for this tutorial, I tried it works very well, the only problem I encounter is the inclusion of the same player multiple times if he wins in a row, why not register the best score of the same player and leave the others blank lines instead of putting the same player with a score less than the high score
    Can you please tell me how to solve this problem
    thank you very much

  • Either I'm noob or I did something wrong. I can enter any score and the text can't be set to a global value.. How do I print the score? I don't understand how I make it so players can't enter any score.. Just their actual score in my game. I went to the script php file but it said I shouldn't touch it unless I knew what I was doing ;o

    My developement live (currently inactive): Please login to see this link.

  • I'm not really an expert with php, Jeff mentioned a solution earlier in the thread without the code, but does anyone know the proper code to put in the php to make it so a user can't submit multiple scores, only one when they set a new high score for themselves and that would replace their previous posted score?

  • Jeff mentioned how to do it earlier in the thread without code but I'm not really an expert with php. Can you post the proper code for making it so a player can't post more than one score, that only their high score will be posted and it will replace their previous high score on the leaderboard. (sorry if I submitted this post this twice)

  • Either I'm noob or I did something wrong. I can enter any score and the text can't be set to a global value.. How do I print the score? I don't understand how I make it so players can't enter any score.. Just their actual score in my game. I went to the script php file but it said I shouldn't touch it unless I knew what I was doing ;o

    What you need to do is:
    1) Move the 'Edit Box Player Score' box out of the play area
    2) Go to the frame in which you want to transfer the score from and go into the Event Editor
    3) Make a new condition called 'End of Frame'
    4) In this condition, go to 'Special Conditions' and click 'Change a Global Value' then 'Set'
    5) Type

    score( "Player 1" )

    and click OK
    6) Go to the Event Editor in the Leaderboard frame
    7) Under the condition 'Start of Frame', select 'Edit Box Player Score', go 'Alterable Values' > 'Set' and insert

    Global Value A

    or whatever global value the score is set to
    8) Insert a Counter into the Leaderboard frame
    9) Go into the event editor and under the condition 'Start of Frame', select the counter and select 'Set Counter' from the menu. Insert

    Global Value A

    or whatever global value the score is stored in. This is now the score display

    That should work now:)
    Don't hesitate to ask any questions

    This is what my frame looks like:
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