Fast Loop don't work the same on Windows&Android

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  • Hi everyone,

    I found a bug on my android application concerning fast loops.

    I use 20 (approximately) fast loops to create active objects in several configurations like this: Please login to see this attachment.

    On Windows i have no problem. But on Android i see a configuration which is not corresponding to one of my fast loops. It's like 2 fast loop are mixed or executed successively. Knowing that the number max of looping is 3.

    I would like to know if this is could be due to the name of the fast loops ? : "objet_right", "objet_left","objet_mid" etc.

    In fact my code is not optimized, I programmed my fast loop like this : Please login to see this attachment. just for 1 fast loop and I got 20 in total.

    Could it be due to the use of multiple "on loop" successively ?

    Do you have any solution ?

    Thanks for future answers :)
    About hardware, i use a Sony Ericsson Arc S capable to run most of games.

  • Sorry, could be possible for you to post a small mfa with this implementation to see it here.

    should not be any problem with the names.

    on loop in the same event loop should work, but what i don´t see is how "index of" is working in the implementation unless the active is selected previous the fastloop


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Here is the mfa : Please login to see this attachment.

    Index is an alterable value, I use it instead of "loop_index".
    Index = 0, it executes event n°416 (previous image)
    Index = 1 or 2, its executes event n° 417.
    When Index = 3, it's the end of the fast loop so index = 0 (reinitialisation).

    This fast loop produces a configuration of baloon

    Thank for your help :)

  • thanks i will check and let you know


    After testing it work exactly the same in windows, flash & android, can you point me in the right direction

    for me the pattern is teh same in the 3 OS, if you put 3 counter one in each indeof events and make add to 1

    you will see, 1-2-1, 2-4-2, 3-6-3, .... 11-22-11


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

    Edited once, last by Fernando: NEW INFO (June 26, 2014 at 2:57 AM).

  • I resolved my problem!

    In fast loops, I was using an Alterable Value called "Index" + LoopIndex (and I wonder why I did this) which provocated a bug on the Android App.

    My solution: I only use the Alterable Value "Index". (I didn't try with only LoopIndex)
    I add 1 to "Index" when a loop is over. I set "Index" to 0 in the end of the last loop.

    In consequence the android application works the same as on Windows.

    Thank you FVivolo for your Help.

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