Save Binary file

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • How can I save/read binary file?
    at the moment I save map into multiple CNC ARRAY files
    My data is in byte format: 0-255
    I want to save my mapdata in 8bits, not 32bits as CNC ARRAY

    I was trying to send my mapdata to a Rich Edit Object:
    IndexToChar( "ASCii", ValueAtXY( "World", XX( "OPaint" ), YY( "OPaint" ) ) )
    and save data from there, but some of the low ASCii number don't show in the Rich Edit Object.
    I can store map in a Action String but how can I save data to a file from the string?

    I don't know if its possible to convert a float and save it in the number CNC ARRAY?
    I want to save my map file to 1 file, I don't know if CNC ARRAY can save both INT and STRINGS?

    Is there an other way for me to save 0-255 binary char data to a file?

  • Today I test Binary Array that in my first impression look less impressive than the Binary Object, BUT

    Only in Binary Array:
    Read -> Byte -> Unsigned SignedByte(-128 to 127)/Byte(0 to 255)

    Only in Binary Object:
    MD5 signature

    I am crying here
    I want Append, but need Unsigned Byte

    How can I make the Binary Object to read unsigned char?
    if the Binary Object can't read unsigned char then I can only chose the Binary Array that don't do Append
    I can live without Append but life would be so much better with Append

  • Hi MOBii,
    To convert signed char to unsigned char, you can just use the following expression: char and 255
    With Binary Object: byte( "Binary object", > position <) and 255


    Please login to see this link.

  • Thank the. thank thee very much ouly
    I was almost giving up and go away
    I was thinking it could be solved like this but didn't know how
    When I save 255 to file it was FF so I know the number was right.

  • I manage to save Binary Object data:
    AAA.blx 24.0 KB
    From the old map save files:
    a Platform 01.BLm 88.0 KB
    a Platform 01.BLo 80.0 KB
    168 KB on disk


    With the Binary Object I can make 144 KB (147456 bytes) smaller Map file
    100 * 100 * 2 layer = 20000 bytes

    Little strange that Array Object save the 2 map array:
    100 * 100 * 2 (layer/files) * 4 (32bit) this should be 80KB not 144KB

    Anyway I am happy I actually manage to put all the data in 1 mapfile and make it significant smaller

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