I tried to make 2 counters to test which player's X and Y coordinates is larger than the other one respectively but the screen keeps shaking when I test it,
here is what I tried:
Always: Counter 1=X( "Player 1" )-X( "Player 2" )
Always: Counter 2=Y( "Player 1" )-Y( "Player 2" )
Always & Counter 1>=0: Center Display at X = "Player 2" )+(X( "Player 1" )-X( "Player 2" ))
Always & Counter 1<0: Center Display at X = "Player 1" )+(X( "Player 2" )-X( "Player 1" ))
Always & Counter 2>=0: Center Display at Y = Y( "Player 2" )+(Y( "Player 1" )-Y( "Player 2" ))
Always & Counter 2<0: Center Display at Y = Y( "Player 1" )+(Y( "Player 2" )-Y( "Player 1" ))