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Note: download may be marked as malicious in Chrome. I'm sorry I can't do much about that
So! I've been working on bringing a concept of mine to life. The idea is, it's a Smash Bros/Towerfall like, played with 2-4 people, but the catch is there's only one weapon on the field. You can temporarily disable each other by kicking each other down, but to gain points you must go after the weapon and throw it at the others. While holding the weapon, another player can kick you and steal it from you. Once the weapon is thrown, the other players can kick the weapon with precise timing to avoid it, but they have to wait for it to slow to a stop before it's safe to pick it back up.
The theme I'm planning on going with here is that of Elements or Elementals (kind of like an Avatar: The Last Airbender I guess?). Each player has their own element, and when they pick up the weapon it is infused with their element until either another player steals it from them, or they throw it and it rolls to a stop. For instance: when Red picks it up it turns into a fireball, when Blue picks it up it turns into a frozen ball of magic, etc.
All graphics are very placeholder! Just working on the gameplay for now! Also the music is just a placeholder I found to make the video a bit more fun
I hope to eventually bring this to PC and Ouya! Follow me here and Please login to see this link. if you'd like to follow my progress!