Virtual size of -1: X and Y limit?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • When setting the Virtual Width and Height to -1, is there a limit to the width/height the playfield can be? I'm working on a randomly generated infinite scrolling game, just wanna make sure my bases are covered and I can implement a world edge or some sort of wrap if needed :)

    Also, is it any different on Android or iOS? A lower limit perhaps, or maybe frame rate issues with that large of a playfield?

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  • Approximately -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 at least for layer positioning. Fusion won't give you an error, but shortly after reaching that position you can no longer expect accuracy. You would have to travel across a 1920px screen width 1,118,481 times in order to hit the edge. If each screen took 1 second to cross at the fastest speed, it would take over 300 hours to hit the edge if you're starting from the center. This is just a guess based on a quick test, so someone else may have better information.

    Also, there may be other limitations related to specific objects and I'm not sure about Android or iOS.

  • For an infinite scrolling game I would recommend a different approach personally, create objects just off screen, just before they are about to come into view. This way you can keep the player in the centre of the screen and move the level components. When they leave the screen they can be destroyed.

    This will keep a minimum of objects active at any one time. You could store levels in a simple text file, reading it sequentially as you go.

  • That's similar to how I'm doing it. The world is randomized, and a diameter of ~5 screen spaces are kept in memory. Enemies that sense your presence as you're travelling near them are kept in memory and will give chase, but everything else is "forgotten" so if you double back on yourself and travel >2.5 screen distances, the area is brand new! It sounds a bit odd I know, but it works for the arcade-style feel I'm going for :)

    The reason I ask, is if the player starts near the left edge and moves left, they will hit a wall as the camera in Fusion will not scroll into the negative. To solve this, I want to start the player at about (50,000,000 x 50,000,000) so they have virtually no chance of ever reaching an edge.

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