Hi all,
So i am making a prototype quiz game and am having real issues with the quiz object.
Basically I have a counter that increases every time the player gets a question wrong or right.
As the counter increases it changes the animations on 4 contestants to show if they are in/out (red/green) and who's go it is.
The counter resets back to 0 when it reaches a certain value.
I have also go little markers over the contestants heads that go visible/invisible on certain counter vales to show who's go it is.
So this is all really simple stuff and everything works absolutely fine when i increase the counter value using a button.
Then I add my quiz object...
I increase the counter using the condition that 'current page question is correct' , 'Button has been clicked' and 'limited if it loops'.
Theoretically everything should work, the counters all go as expected . But it's like the quiz object has a mental effect on the animations and visibility of the player indicators.
Basically, is the quiz object horribly bugged? Is there a workaround?
I have attached the file in question, I would love it if someone could please help me out.