Which Exporter to choose, HTML5 vs Flash - Advice Please?

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  • Guys and Gals,

    I need to some advice please, HTML5 and Flash Exporter.....

    Both available at just shy of 70 bucks, I don't know which one to choose.

    I've looked online, various sites, trying to compare HTML5 and Flash, most sites are very 'none committal', some sites say Flash is dead, Flash is dying, HTML5 is the way forwards, Don't go HTML5 yet as not all browsers support it, does the use have Flash player installed, does the user use a Cell phone, if they do use a cell phone, what do they use, etc.

    So far, I've drawn a blank, I have the Android Exporter at the moment, but I'm looking to expand my options, and while I've don't have anything against Apple products, I'm not an 'Apple Person' so I won't be buying the IOS Exporter anytime soon.

    So, from a "Web" standpoint, I would like some honest 'for' and 'against', have you had problems with certain types of games/applications? did you have problems with buttons not being clickable, sound not playing, detecting not being correct, limited amount of plugins for that exporter, etc.

    I know it's only 70 bucks, but I'd like to get something that 6-12 months down the road doesn't make me think..."you know what, I should have got the other one"

    Thanks for your help and guidance on this.


    P.s. I have searched this forum for other people asking the same question and 'html5 versus flash' and 'html5 vs flash' did not return any results, so If I'm re-posting I apologize now.

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  • As you know, HTML5 is the future, but there's still some money to be made with flash. Realistically, it should be really easy to earn >$70 with either exporter, so you could just choose one and get the other a month or two later with your earnings.

    From the look of it, flash exporter is more complete but I think CT are more committed to developing html5 .. though athe the moment there are various issues with html5 on different browsers etc. Just look at the html5 forum to see all the reports.

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  • I just tell you that you review this ...

    Comparison of HTML5 and Flash
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    Browser wars Flash vs HTML5
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    HTML5 – The Future, Danny James, Editor Clickteam UK, page 5, 6
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    I hope to help you make a better decision.


  • There are pros and cons with both.

    I like the Flash exporter, because your game will run on BILLIONS of Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX computers, and on older Android devices with Flash, depending on your control inputs. It will pretty much look, sound, and play the same on all of those.

    With the HTML5 exporter, your app "should" work on most mobile and desktop devices but, it won't always have sounds, look the same, or even load or work all the time, because of various browser and exporter compatibility issues, browser updates, etc.

    If you are just starting out, I vote for the Standard or Developer version so you can make Windows games, and then experiment with Android and/or Flash once you are comfortable with Windows apps.

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  • Flash is not supported anymore.
    HTML5 is supported actively everywhere, on all platforms. More and more.
    This should drive your decision : choose a technology that will be alive in two years.

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  • Thank you all for your input, views and opinions, I decided on the HTML5 and like stated above, who knows, an app I have in the development pipe may give me enough to my the Flash one anyway.. :)

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  • This is a good decision I think.
    HTML5 games can be wrapped as true iOS and Android apps, that you can publish in the App Store and Play Store too, so there is no limit actually.

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  • Clickteam are looking into developing some future extensions for HTML5 but nothing to report back on atm.

    The HTML5 SDK is freely available and if you know Javascript it's a piece of cake to create an extension that will liaise with a payment SDK you find online... if it's for a commercial project, you could always hire a javascripter to code it for you.

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    Danny // Clickteam

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