Is there a maximum game size limit?

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  • Hey everybody! I have a small concern. My projects tend to become quite big in file size, even with just a few frames made because the Graphics/animations takes a lot of space. I don't want to make small platform games or space shooters etc. RPG's and that kind of stuff is where my interest is. Is there a problem if the final product would take a few gigabytes in size? I read somewhere from 2007, I think it was Francois who mentioned it, that bigger files could become a problem. Now is 2014 so I thought maybe that is not an issue anymore with mmf2 getting more updates and such? But exactly what would be the problem if I had a 3 gb size game for example(And graphics would be to blame mostly for that size)? It would be so sad to put a lot of time and effort to make a big game and everything would just crash in the end :) as I write this my latest mfa is already 74 mb. with only 3 frames hehe (At least that includes an almost fully functioning turn based battle system). Please give my nervous mind some relax and say "Oh don't worry it will be fine" :D

  • Damn...hmm...ok I guess i will have to do whatever I can not to go over that limit. It will be the same with fusion 2,5 as well? (I have 2,5 too but I've been sticking with mmf2 because for now it seems more stable) I made an exe of that 74 mb mfa file and it became only 11 mb so maybe it is possible to make quite a big game then :)

  • I never understood what it means to load files externally. I just create Actives or Quick backdrops and put graphics in those objects. How do you load stuff externally? Using ini's to create saves for the player and load them back I know how to do, but loading graphics I've never tried :) I own Fusion 2.5 already :D So i might start with that's just that mmf2 seems more stable at the moment....I was waiting for more updates for 2.5 Before starting to use it seriously.

  • I'd say that Fusion 2.5 is more stable than MMF2, actually. MMF2 had some severe bugs, such as an event limit bug, that would have almost certainly caused issues in any project that could potentially get anywhere near 2GB. Also, I think the 2GB limit bug may have been fixed in CF2.5, though I can't say for sure if it was, and I certainly can't say from experience, though, as Francois mentioned, even if the bug wasn't fixed, at the very least CF2.5 compresses the MFA files to make them take much, much longer to reach said limit. I may be able to show you how to load stuff externally if you want, BTW. It isn't too hard to do when you know how to, though there are some graphics best left internal, since loading animations externally instead of still images (like backgrounds) would be a major pain-in-the-neck, and shorter sounds should probably remain internal as long as you make sure they already are/are converted into OGG files (since OGG files are compressed and very small as a result).

    Also, if this is your first attempt at making a game, then I highly recommend against making a huge RPG, since you almost certainly will find yourself at a point where you will give up if you don't already have a lot of experience with MMF2/CF2.5 (though it isn't guaranteed that you will give up, it also isn't unlikely, since it happens quite often from what I've heard). Then again, if you've already got a finished combat system, then you may actually have one of the harder parts of making the game out of the way, so, if you've already gotten that far, then stopping wouldn't necessarily be what you should do. At the same time, though, you could always go back to the project at a later point, when you do finally have enough experience that you feel that you are ready to make it. Word of warning if you choose the route of going back to it later: Make sure to comment your code. It will save you a lot of effort remembering what your code does, trust me. If you don't know how to do it, then I can show you how.

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Well it is not my first attempt to make stuff. I know how to make all the mechanics. For now, my battle system includes melee attack,shooting, using magic and using items. Items can be used on both the player and the enemies. No bugs found seems to be working like a charm :D some enemies will have stronger defence against certain magics etc. that was not so difficult to put together...just time consuming hehe. For enemies: I will only use one or two actives for enemies...I just make different groups and have them display different attack animations,setting their stats and such, according to which group that's been activated. All of that was a cakewalk to make. I think I only said bad words once or twice while making it haha. I just never worked with external files before. Oh and comments is saves a lot of confusion :D If the files starts to get big I will open it up in fusion 2,5 and work from there instead.
    This is how it looks right now...It might change a little down the road though
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  • Hehe, well, looking at the picture, it seems you've got everything under control, actually. I myself tend to not be very good at making that sort of thing, even though I've used TGF2/MMF2DEV/CF2.5 DEV for years now, and even though I actually kinda want to make some sort of RPG. On the other hand, you appear to have gotten it all worked out, so I guess it may just not be my thing. I still may want to make an example demonstrating how to make stuff external, but, then again, it may not end up being necessary for you anyway.

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • I'm in the same boat as the TC, to a degree. As of right now, Hasslevania 2 has an .mfa that's approx. 200MB or so and most of that is from internal sound files (loading them externally isn't an option for this). There is lots of dialogue that is going to be voice "acted" later which will increase the .exe's file size a tremendous amount. Now I don't anticipate this will reach the 2GB size but it's possible it might be toward a Gig when all's said and done, even with the sound files being compressed pretty well into oggs.

    I'm cautious about trying to move the project over from MMF2 to 2.5 which is why I haven't done so yet. This is because when I moved it from 1.5 to MMF2 years ago there were many unforseen and unexpected errors and etc that popped up that took a long time to locate and fix. And I don't want to potentially go through all that again.

    I do plan on getting 2.5 eventually but you know how it is.

    Weebish Mines, my retro Metroidvania!
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  • 2.5 is different, Del_Duio. For starters, if it does have any show-stopping issues, then it makes a MMF2 backup, so all you have to do is test it to see if it works right. If it does, then you have nothing to worry about. Also, it will almost certainly be very useful for future projects, meaning it won't be a waste in the event you can't use it for Hasslevania 2. So far I have yet to have any show-stopping issues when converting my projects from MMF2 to CF2.5, and I've already done it with several (read: all of them I started in MMF2 that I've worked on at all since getting CF2.5), so I'd say it's unlikely to be an issue unless you are using any extensions that haven't been updated for maybe half a decade, and even a lot of those will work as long as they work with HWA and have no show-stopping issues in Unicode.

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • If you are using the Picture object or an extension similar to that, it should show you the image the same as it would be as a backdrop.
    I also recommend building an exe to test and make sure it loads your externals properly. Sometimes folks just choose the object from the Frame Editor without coding it into the Event Editor where to actually look when it is an .exe
    AppPath$+"X folder\Backdrops\X.png" works best.

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  • You should probably store the graphics externally if you're going to be using so many of them. Just sayin'. :)

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

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