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This unresponsiveness is shown on this video (sorry for poor quality):
Please login to see this link.
As you can see, once I have changed the orientation from landscape to portrait, the game doesn't anymore react to touch as it should - instead it starts to scroll the page. This problem is currently keeping two of my games from passing the FGL QA.
This seems to happen only when the FGL object is added to the frame or somewhere in the project.
Thanks for the tip Olivier, but when I used that workaround the next problem I ran into was that the music and timers don't stop running when switching browser tabs (naturally, as "run even if not focus" is enabled), and this was also raised by FGL QA. Do you know if there is some way to pause the music and selected events when the application is not in focus?
I tried to compare mouse coordinates to check if the cursor is not on the game screen and then stop the music etc, but unfortunately that didn't work either.
So I'm stuck. Both the orientation issue and the workaround to 'solve' it prevent the games from passing the QA..
Quote from FGL QA
We can't let the game pass QA until the reported issue is fixed. It is a crucial issue that might get your game rejected on the app stores if we ingnore it.
Should be easy to implement, DOM api gives off 'focus' event when page has focus and 'blur' event when page/tab loses focus, aka clicked out of window or change to a different tab.
Adding in a Fusion event shouldn't be too difficult,
Thanks for the idea, but unfortunately none of the Window Control object's conditions work properly in HTML5: Window has NOT focus is triggered always, Window is NOT visible does nothing, Application is NOT active does nothing, Window is minimized does nothing.
So it seems to me that there is a need for a new condition to Fusion that could tackle this issue.
The orientation problem happens for example: Kindle Fire HD, Android Chrome (or iPhone Safari, can't remember which one) and FGL's web browser tool, which they use for QA for HTML5 games (Please login to see this link.).
Found it, I'm pretty sure I've found the source of the bug, and got a fix working.
The Issue seems to stem from FGL using HTML IFrames to isolate games. Clicking outside the IFrames would make the game loose focus, and never regain it, even when clicked.
My fix for this is to have the HTML5 Runtime detect if its in an IFrame, and if it is, listen to the parent pages events for gaining and loosing focus, instead of its own. This seems to work in my tests on Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 10, iOS Safari, and Android Chrome, but It still needs more testing, and it might not work if the parent window forces the IFrame to be sand-boxed.
MJK the problems you are encountering with your games on FGL are stumping me really.
I have tested my game again with mobile devices (iPod/Safari and Samsung/Chrome) with the URL provided to me by FGL: Please login to see this link.
I can confirm that there is no problem with orientation change. And by opening another tab in the browser, the game pauses as well as the audio. When returning to the tab with the game, the game as well as the audio resume as they should. The game was built with the build 283.1. In the HTML5 properties of the app the option "Run even if not focus" is checked. And in the runtime properties of the app the option "Do not mute samples when app loses focus" is not checked.
Hi Olivier - I have the exact same settings in Fusion properties and the same build of Fusion as you, but my latest games get rejected by QA due to these reasons.
1. "Run even if not focus" is a workaround to the orientation issue, but then the game doesn't pause when switching tabs --> this is reported on "Web Browser Tool" that FGL uses for QA.
Problem(s) Found: 01. Game does not pause when switching tabs. (Web Browser Tool)
2. If "run even if not focus" is unchecked, the orientation issue occurs on some devices/browsers. Video: Please login to see this link.
Problem(s) Found: 01. If you rotate the game from landscape to portrait then back to landscape, or click outside the framework and tap back on the game, it becomes unresponsive. But if you click on the white bars on top of the game, it will start working again
Hi Yves - I just tried it, but unfortunately the behavior is the same for me, i.e. the orientation problem still exists (tested on iPhone 5 Safari iOS 8.1.1).