Lacewing, Bluewing, and servers

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Heyo folks,
    Since there appears to be no CTF2.5 thread, I'll just update here.

    Lacewing Blue supports Windows XP+, Android 4.4.4+, iOS 10.0+, Mac 10.13+ (High Sierra+), UWP, and HTML5; cross-play is supported.
    Servers run on Android, iOS, Mac 10.13+, Unix-based OS, or Windows XP+. (yes, you can run a crossplay server from your iPhone 5S)
    Get public free-to-use server list Please login to see this link., downloads on Please login to see this link., read help file Please login to see this link. and get support on Please login to see this link..

    Old post content:
    Lacewing is a multiplayer online extension, used to connect computers to servers and allow said computers to communicate.
    Lacewing can be used in CTF2.5 and MMF2, developer not required.

    Lacewing is primarily Windows-only; there is a port for SWF aka Flash exporter.
    There is a derivative which is somewhat less buggy and uses a more recent version of liblacewing, called Bluewing, or Lacewing Blue Client. Bluewing is Windows-only.

    Full details on how liblacewing, Bluewing, Lacewing, OINC, etc fit together, their history, are found at this page:
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    The page also includes a list of public servers. The availability of these servers is not guaranteed, but should be high; the more reliable ones are higher in the list.
    With use of the Get object and a bit of code, you can download a textual list of servers and try each one; details for the list is on the page.

    I recommend use of Bluewing, since I will fully investigate any bugs and it is open-source as well (written in C++), if you want to fix yourself. Again, details on the page.
    In addition, Bluewing's A/C/E's match up with those of regular Lacewing, so you should be able to manually overwrite the MFX files for an instant upgrade. I wouldn't recommend that, though, since Bluewing has a few extra features - so reverting back with the MFA using those features will not work.

    I recently fixed a bug so global event triggering will now work in Bluewing.

    Let me know if you guys need more information on that page, or you encounter a bug with Bluewing, or want to fund a port to a different language. Contact by forum PM, email, or hang around in ClickConverse.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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    Edited 5 times, last by Phi: Updating to prevent newbies getting confused (April 2, 2023 at 9:50 PM).

  • You forgot to mention that Lacewing works in Android, which means that it's nearly completely cross-platform, which gives it an advantage over Bluewing that is more than enough for me to stick with Lacewing for any projects that I even think have the slightest chance of being ported to Android. :)

    On the other hand, for projects that don't have a chance of being ported to Android, Bluewing does sound like it is a good alternative...

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Good catch about Android, Mr. HGF. I'll get a mod to edit that.
    Although you can just rename Lacewing's Android files to Bluewing, and Bluewing will work in Android, since the A/C/E's match up (as I said).

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • I guess that's always true, Phi, though it doesn't allow us to use any of Bluewing's bug fixes then, though it at least means that we can then use Bluewing for Windows. :)

    P.S. I'm suspicious that the reason that James hasn't been working on Lacewing recently is perhaps because he's working on CF3 (I remember hearing that he was, anyways).

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Yes Spryz, Dev and Std editions of both MMF2 and CTF2.5 supported.

    However, Flash, the platform itself, does not support UDP - so messages sent using Blast actions (as opposed to Send), will not be transfered.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • Not client-to-client, without a server, no. Lacewing isn't designed for peer-to-peer.
    One would have to act as the server and the other would have to know the server phone's IP address. As far as I know there's no Android port of the Lacewing Relay Server, making this impossible.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • Already made one, SirEatALot, if you download the zip file:
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    There's not a lot of A/C/E difference between Bluewing and Lacewing, though. About 2 conditions, 1 expression, and a couple of properties.
    This is mostly because the MFXs are designed to be interchangeable without having to rewrite any MFAs, so any A/C/E additions will not be convertible - the rest of the reason being that I can't think of what to add anyway.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • Ok, did some basic testing (using your server) and ran into some problems.

    1. The channel peer listing does not seem to work. When listing peers on a channel, only the first peer connected will show the other connected peers. The second peer connected will show one less while the last connected peer will not show any connected peers in the channel.

    2. Sending text does not seem to work correctly.. it takes a lot of time and this error message pops up (in picture)

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  • Although the official Lacewing extensions have not been updated recently, for the most part they still work completely fine.

    Have you tried unblocking the help file in the file properties? Windows by default blocks the help file content from loading.

    Working as fast as I can on Fusion 3

  • Alright SirEatALot. Make sure the file properties are set to Unblocked.
    (just right-click the chm file after extraction, go properties, and look if the bottom of the window says "This file has come from an unknown source and is blocked", or blank).
    If the latest version is screwy, try this one:
    Please login to see this link.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • LB you're right, the regular lacewing extensions appear to work quite well, I havent run into any game-breaking issues except for UDP packets which seem to be almost useless for me (they get lost about 99% of the time even on a LAN which seems a little high?). It's just that I've learned the hard way many many times not to rely on third party extensions too much, specially not for commercial games since they are not often updated enough, for example as new versions of Fusion gets released.

    What I'd REALLY like to see are the lacewing objects (or similar) integrated into Fusion as basic online functionalty so they're always available and are ensured continued support and development on all plattforms. Online functionality is a must for any modern game development suite in my opinion :)

    Phi: it works now after doing what you said - nice! Too bad if this must be done for everyone though

  • Lacewing is officially supported by clickteam, as far as I know.

    As for UDP loss, I can't replicate that - are you hosting the server yourself? You may need to configure your firewall/router/network somehow. UDP is working fine for my server.

    Working as fast as I can on Fusion 3

  • Cool, will look into UPD some more..

    Supported by clickteam, thats great, didnt know that, but there hasnt really been a new release for a while and bluewing is using a newer version of liblacewing.. would be nice if clickteam put out an update (or even better, built it into fusion!).

    As for bluewing, right now for me at least, it seems a bit too buggy for use.. Phi: any update on that error message? was I doing something wrong?

  • Hey SirEatALot,
    No, I had somehow uploaded a testing version, halfway through working out some problems with globalisation (triggering "message received" etc conditions on all the frames, not just one) - hence, lots of message boxes. The old version link above should work fine.
    Maybe this weekend I'll ensure the latest version is up. At any rate the older version should work fine for apps that don't use Bluewing in a sub-application.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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