Hey everyone,
I have been looking up Fast loops and spread IDs to give each instance of the same enemy to be unique, but they seem to act on eachother's Y position when it comes to gravity.
I used fastloops to make it so enemies will have gravity, and have it set that every couple seconds, the enemy will jump, and when they jump, they will move towards an object, but will not move towards the object when on the ground. Whenever one instance of the enemy is placed, it works fine, but when there are multiple that are spawned in on different heights, they will constantly move towards the object unless they all are touching the ground. Any idea how I fix this? I gave an alterable value that is ID and used the Spread value function on it to make them unique, but it seems to do nothing.
And another problem is I can't seem to find a RNG to give each enemy a random time and height they will jump at.
All help will greatly be appreciated.