Okay this may be kinda sorta long, but I need help. I am a second year engineering student at my school. We are fairly big into basketball and our games are usually packed. at our concession stands our the students do the math in there head, and they have a hard time keeping inventory. My engineering teacher asked if I could possibly build an app solving this issue (using android).
The first thing I thought of was ShopKeep (a POS system on an iPad that my moms store uses (Please login to see this link. )) We discussed a general layout on how she would like it setup. we only accept cash at the basketball games so I don't have to deal with credit cards and stuff.
So I need the app to do a few things. When an item(s) is clicked display those item(s) in a tab on the right of the screen labeled checkout, and then to add them up for a total amount due. I need to be able to display lots of items on the screen so the ability to scroll threw items or pages of items. The ability for the person taking stock to see how many were sold at the end of the night to subtract that from there stock paper. And the price of each item, and ability to change that if needed.
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(kinda the layout I am aiming for (this was done in photoshop) The cash screen would be where the student would enter in the $ amount the person handed them and it would show them there change, and then pop back into the main screen.
The items sold screen would show the stock person the number of items sold, that game (and maybe total money made that day if that's possible)
and at the end of the day after all of the stock has been taken there be a button that would wipe the numbers from that day so it would be clean for the next game.
I will do the graphics and make it pretty but first issue is getting a working app. Any help would be amazing! This isnt an assigment so there is no due date. She would like it done soonish though before our larger tournaments.
Thank you