I can't quite figure out how the magnet object works.
I'm trying to create an app where an object pushed with the proper amount of force will orbit another object at the center of the screen (such is the ultimate goal). So for my experimentation and learning phase I've put a magnet object in the middle of the frame, extending to the frame edges. Then I've got a ball, simply placed with 'Physics - Static' motion near the edge of the screen, velocity 0. When I click run, as expected, the ball falls towards the center of magnetic force, through the middle and out the other side, decelerating as it goes. This is what I expect.
What I don't understand is that with each fall the ball _gains_ speed over the previous 'fall', until its acceleration overcomes the force of the magnet, and it floats off the frame.
Shouldn't this be neutral? Or is there something I might be missing?