Will the source code for any existing extensions be released as we approach the release of Fusion 3? There are many changes I'd like to make but I'm unable to make them without rewriting entire extensions.
Now that there's an official extension manager automatically downloading and installing extensions from a repository, I don't see any harm in having branches of extensions that add features that Clickteam does not feel are necessary or useful. Specifically this section in the extension SDK documentation:
"We have included fully functioning objects as examples, for you to inspect the code.
Simple Data Buffer
Simple Text
Simple Picture
Simple Control"
Why aren't more objects included with the extension SDK? While I understand the reason that the entire program is not open-source, I wish that we could modify all (some?) of the existing Clickteam extensions. For instance, there's no way to implement Append$() in Fusion without recreating every object that handles text.
Is this something that's feasible?