ANATHEMA - Official Announcement + Trailer (1080p)

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi Julian!

    Wow! Thank you for all the feedback! I will certainly do what I can to improve things. I also noticed the sensitive crouching on my Xbox 360 controller and I think that may be a by product of the d-pad it has. Other controllers aren't as bad, but I have heard quite a few requests to add the left analog stick. So I will definitely work on that as well as support for more generic controllers. The jumping could very well be a hotspot thing that I just didn't notice since I use PMO. Once you see the same stuff over and over sometimes things can go missed.

    Enemies are certainly going to be made smart, especially over time. I've a lot of issues with their patterns and want to make them better.

    Regarding the Army of Darkness bit, if you use the crossbow shotgun enough, the character might let a little Easter Egg. ;)

    The main character doesn't show it much here, but she is actually a little cocky and we intended this as a nod to Ash from the Evil Dead series actually. There's been quite a bit of influence from it there.

    Thank you again for all of your feedback. We will certainly use it to shape a better game experience. :)

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  • Glad you found it useful. Putting out a demo before release is so important, Steam reviews can be cruel and kill your game's reputation and sales in minutes. Getting honest and contructive feedback is also very difficult, I often have the impression that people are either too nice, which is especially true for fellow devs, or on the other hand just bash your game without really nailing down why exactly they think it sucks.

    Good to see you don't take everything in the game too serious and have some Easter eggs in stock:) I think this is useful in most cases and makes up for a better overall experience. And you're totally right about the XBox 360 D-pad, which is probably one of the worst D-pads ever made XD.

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  • Btw, what is the name of the male voice actor in your trailer? I'm thinking of giving my main villain a voice which would tune in now and then in the game's later sections and he would fit quite perfectly.

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  • Definitely. While we're still a ways off from finishing the game, we're going to use the feedback to improve the demo before completing the rest of the game. The last thing we want is people bashing it without telling us why, as so many do on Steam.

    His name is Duffy Weber. He's a great actor and has an impressively wide range.

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  • This guy is a great pick! I thought he would be MUCH older, his variety is really impressive :)

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  • Hello Everyone!

    Apologies for the delay in the patch. We had hoped to release it last week, but there were unforeseen delays with our group of external testers so we did as much internal testing as possible. Unfortunately, there are only so many bugs that we could squash in this patch and really wanted to get more external testing in. So please note that this patch has only been moderately tested and you may run into some bugs.

    Please do not hesitate to forward any information on bugs you find as it will help us ensure a higher quality experience. Being that we're just a few guys and rely on the goodwill of outside testers when they can test, it's tough to catch everything. But please know that we do want to whip this into top shape, we just don't have many avenues to get the feedback needed before releasing to you publicly but this may be the best avenue. Below is a list of everything changed/updated/added in this patch. Thank you all so much for playing! Hopefully this will expand play for many more users that had issues with the prior version.

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    * Added launcher so players will be aware of what options can be adjusted. Players seemingly overlooked these options in the pause menu.
    * Added DirectInput Controller support.
    * Added support to use the left analog stick on controllers for movement.
    * Added keybinding for Xinput and DirectInput controllers. (Keyboard keybinding already existent.)
    * Refined "Controls" sub-menu.
    * Improved video file compatibility so that cutscenes should play on all machines now.
    * Darkened "Continue" on Title Screen to reduce confusion as this function isn't used in the demo.
    * Fixed a bug where the crow placement in the Title Screen was not proper.
    * Fixed a bug in the Options Menu where the sound volume could be set below 0.
    * Fixed a bug where zombies didn't provide souls if killed using the crossbow.
    * Removed controller rumble as it would cause certain controller types (such as the wired Xbox 360 controller) to become unresponsive and you must disconnect/reconnect the controller to regain input.
    * Added controller refresh. If controller becomes unresponsive, unplug, replug and press F5, wait 1-3 seconds and functionality should return. NOTE: This is implemented in response to a rare issue we've heard about where a controller randomly stops responding that isn't related to the rumble bug listed above. We've been unable to reproduce this to discern if it is a software issue or a hardware conflict on the user end.
    * Discovered a conflict if you have multiple instances of controllers installed. Open "Device Manager" and select View > Show Hidden Devices. If you have multiple instances of the same controller, uninstall all of them and reconnect your controller to install the drivers. You should then not have any further issues due to multiple driver installations.
    * Deathbringers now operate on a recharge system, rather than using souls. They will recharge automatically over time, although only the Bone Dragon is available in the demo.
    * Changed the effects for the deathbringer power-up animation. The prior effects were hitting the frame-rate hard.
    * Revised Options menu UI text to make it cleaner and more legible.
    * Revised boss name text to make cleaner and more legible.
    * Added additional checkpoints before bosses.
    * Added a soul font to power up players should they respawn at the boss.
    * Buffed your main attack against the wood witch boss.
    * Improved load time between opening cutscene and stage 1.
    * Statue removed at the beginning of stage 1. Players were confused by its purpose.
    * Increased hitbox size on whip swing latches to make it easier for players to connect a hit.
    * The game can now be exited using Alt+F4.
    * Pause can now be activated via the "Escape" key.
    * Added physics to the crates in the Stage 1 Lookout Tower...why not? They also give souls. Look for the secret.
    * Reduced frequency of in-game vocal effects.
    * Reduced volume of sound effect when player lands on the ground from higher falls.

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    Edited once, last by piscesdreams (August 20, 2017 at 10:41 PM).

  • Happy September!

    It has been an excruciatingly long time since our last update, but I assure you we have been hard at work! In this update we will go over the latest information about the status of development, showcase a brand new player sprite, new HUD and latest level!

    There is a LOT to share below so let's get started!

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    We would like to start by unveiling the re-design of the sprite for Aurora Delacroix. When development of Anathema began in October 2014 we began using pre-made, royalty free assets available on the web to make pre-rendered sprites. As development has progressed we became disenchanted with the design currently in the demo. We knew that it was important to give Aurora some original flair of our own design.

    Around May 2018 we reached out to our friend, Craig Daversa with Pyroklastic Games who has a great game that can be found on Steam as STLD. Ep 2 Redux, that has worked with us on prior artistic portions of Anathema and gave him a rough design sketch of what we wanted to do with Aurora's design. Craig began modeling the new design for us and we were off to the races. After many collective man-hours modeling, rigging, weight mapping, texturing and animating, we give you the new design of Aurora Delacroix. Many thanks to Craig for this as we could not have pulled this off without him.
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    For good measure, here is a comparison of how Aurora's design has evolved throughout the years. As you can see, the design has changed almost entirely since the original concept in 2014, but some design elements were developed into the 2015 revision and maintained into the final design.

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    We have also redesigned the boss that challenged quite a few players we saw on YouTube Let's Play videos - Aeron, the First Vampyr. The original design was something that just no longer fit the vision for the game, so it needed to be updated as well! Gone is the silly purple/red hair color and odd body-wrap she once wore. This look is much more streamlined and in-line with the character's story.

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    A proper development would be incomplete without a look at a brand new level you've not seen. There were a few glimpses of upcoming levels at the end of the demo, but this is the first time we've publicly showcased this new level we've been hard at work making.

    This is the Ossuary - the level you will find yourself in immediately after the confrontation with Aeron as seen in the demo. When developing ideas for levels, we would always try to come up with elements that would help set it apart from prior levels. The graveyard is basically the training ground that lets players become accustomed to the game's mechanics. The forest begins to test those skills with some tight platforming in the treetops. The swamp slows the player down with jumping between vines and the log ride. What sets the Ossuary apart is it is a non-linear level, unlike the prior three stages.

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    Anathema is quite often mislabeled as a metroidvania because it is assumed since it has visual elements similar to Castlevania, it must be a metroidvania. In order to be such a game, it would have to be designed for the player to obtain new abilities to access areas they previously could not. Anathema is nothing like this - it is a classic style platformer that plays more like the NES and SNES Castlevania, Ghosts 'n Goblins, MegaMan and Ninja Gaiden games. There are no mechanics that require you to backtrack to access previously inaccessible areas. Players can return to previously completed levels to obtain powerups they previously missed if they wish, similar to Mega Man X, but it is not required for the progression of the game. However, in the Ossuary, players are free to take any of the multiple routes they wish in any order, but they must all be completed before the player can progress to the next area. Each route has a switch that will unlock the exit, guarded by a powerful Vampyr Elder. Throughout the Ossuary are new enemies the player has not previously encountered that we hope will challenge and keep the player's heart rate up. The Weeping Angel can be especially surprising...

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    As you can see in the above screenshots, the player HUD has been completely redesigned as well. We gained some great feedback from the demo release and used that to make the HUD more intuitive and simplified. The HUD now maps the corresponding buttons the player designates in the controller setup to the corresponding mechanic.

    The bottom box with the deathbringer will only be visible once the player obtains their first deathbringer powerup. As the player amasses more in their inventory they will be able to switch between them on the fly in-game. Deathbringers will still operate on a cool-down mechanic like in the current demo which was changed from the original release that consumed souls that were shared with subweapons.

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    As we move into the five year anniversary when development began, it goes without saying that this game is taking quite a while to make. There are three main people working on this game consistently in our spare time outside of our day jobs and family lives. Game development is difficult and elongated, but it's fun and rewarding as well. We ask that you please be patient with us as we continue to hammer away at the game. We're making great progress and have even set an internal goal for a release date; but since that is an internal goal and not concrete we can't share that now. We don't want to make promises we can't keep (sometimes consistent development updates are hard enough to keep up with), but rest assured once we know a solid release window we're going to share it!

    Currently we're dividing into different tasks to cover more ground. The voice-over for the script has been recorded and cutscenes are in their pre-visualization stage. There will be a Story Mode as well as an Arcade Mode that skips the story and focuses solely on the gameplay, but the story is quite hefty and was a monumental task in of itself to write, edit and direct the voice over. Just look at the size of the script with standard script formatting...

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    We appreciate all the feedback and anticipation Anathema is receiving. It's truly humbling and rewarding that people are interested in playing this game that we have devoted the last five years of our spare time making. Sometimes life gets in the way and makes it hard to make the progress we want to make, but in the end we think it will be worth the wait and hope you will too.

    We have plans to release an updated demo in the future, but aren't quite certain exactly when that will be. Most of the update work has been completed, but there will be a new area added before where the demo currently starts which will be developed in the coming weeks along with updated cutscenes.

    Thanks everyone for your support and engagement. We really do appreciate it and hope you stick with us the rest of the ride!

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  • Good job on the redesign. It definitely moves away from that 90's female character design aesthetic (for the better, I think). I can't even fathom the amount of frames you are dealing with using pre-rendered sprites. A major advantage of 3D is the RAM consumption is way lower but you must be topping out your RAM with frame images. Hope you guys see it through to release. Can't wait to try it. Good luck!

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  • Thanks! You’d be surprised actually on the RAM. In-game it averages around 400-500mb in RAM. Most animations have an average of 20 frames, give or take. Most everything is heavily optimized within the power of two and I try to trim our alpha channels when they’re not necessary. All my tiles are sliced into smaller tiles to make memory optimization as best it can be, and it’s fit into 720p instead of 1080p.

    Now when actually rendering the frames on the other hand, it’s not uncommon to use 4-10gb of VRAM. I had to upgrade to a 2080ti because some of the rendering was so VRAM intensive.

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  • Happy October!

    We don't have as much this time around to share with you as we did last month, but this time around we will show you some audio/visual goodies!

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    In last month's update we shared images of the work-in-progress for the newest level we've been developing - The Ossuary. In this video, we share a brief look of this level in motion, including one of three mini bosses you will encounter. The player can progress through this level's three routes in any order they choose, but must defeat all guardians before they are allowed passage into the next area - the Vampyr Den. Feast your eyes and let us know your thoughts!

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    To change things up this month a little bit, our resident composer has whipped up a special remix just for you. For those that have played the demo, you will be familiar with the tune this remix is an arrangement of - Gravekeeper's Hollow. When thinking of games' stage 1 music, it's important to hook the player with a catchy, hummable melody that (hopefully) can get stuck in your head. When Anathema releases, we definitely want to have a bundle that includes the OST for the game. Whether or not it includes remixed versions of tunes from the game is up in the air as of now, but companion pieces are always great to have. Let us know what you think.

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    Quite a lot of progress has been made since the last update. We've begun adding a new area that precedes the graveyard area of the first stage which will serve as the "tutorial area." The video tutorials in the demo area merely placeholder just so the player has a basic understanding of the core fundamentals of gameplay. Don't worry, we won't hold your hand, but it's important to know the basics so players can get the most out of the game. Here is a very early look at how it is shaping up aesthetically.
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    There will be more to show in future updates. We will post them here but you can also follow us on Twitter at Please login to see this link. to be notified as we post.

    We hope everyone has a fun and spooky rest of your October, and Happy Halloween!

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  • Happy Halloween!!!

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    Where to begin? If you've kept up with prior development updates, you're aware we are working on this project around our day jobs with our free time. When Covid hit earlier this year, our employers responded like most - reduced work schedules or even furloughs. In a way, this was somewhat of a blessing in disguise because it allowed extra time to make significant milestone progress.

    Since March of this year, we have completed all level's designs, layouts, and art assets. I repeat - all levels are fully functional and completely built, save for that final bit of polish at the end of all development cycles to make them shine their best. This may not be very exciting for you, but this is huge progress. In the end, Anathema will end up with 13 levels total, instead of the originally planned 12 levels.

    The second major milestone achieved is 100% of all enemies are completely designed, animated, and programmed. There are currently 54 enemies in Anathema that do not include mini-bosses or main bosses. The enemies are also neither recycled sprites nor palette swaps - these are 54 uniquely designed, animated, and programmed enemies. Some attacks, patterns, or movements may be slightly similar (due to working in a 2D environment you only have so much range of motion) but each stage features its own unique enemy sprites. That said, as development progresses we may decide to add more enemies if necessary.

    How about a look at some of the enemies?

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    Anathema's backstory revolves around the fallen Angel, Azrael, who unleashed a terrible sickness known as "Devil's Plague." This (un)fortunate soul was able to survive the Devil's Plague only because it was also infected with Lycanthropy.

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    In the deepest catacombs of the main continent lie the ruins of a misunderstood civilization that was exiled. The outskirts of the Exiled's rubble are teeming with creatures adapted to the hostile volcanic landscape. This demon will certainly scorch any to ashes that dare enter its domain.

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    In the opening of the Anathema demo, we mention a cult known as "The Black Dawn." These cultists blindly pursue the rebirth of Azrael after his defeat at the hands of Aurora's father, Corbin Delacroix. There are various roles the cultists play - sentries, alchemists, priests, etc. This particular cultist is adept with the art of alchemy and uses it with explosive results, albeit with a headstrong nature.

    We would love to show more of the enemies, but also don't want to spoil everything in the game ahead of its release. But don't worry! We will show more as we near the finish line!

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    ***Please note these are not final names, just what we use to refer to them internally.

    In the last update, we showed you a glimpse of the Ossuary and its Vampyr Elder miniboss. Here is a look at the final boss of this level. The Ossuary is the very next level following the end of the demo.
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    We posted this screenshot on our Twitter earlier this year (in animated form) so here it is in case you missed it. If you haven't already, give us a follow on Twitter at Esperware because we post things there that don't always make it here.
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    Classic games would tout having a day and night system. Well, we have an eclipse system.
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    What hideous man-made monsters await in this isolated laboratory?
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    There is nothing like a little R&R in the country, right?
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    As mentioned above, we've made two major milestones in 2020 that bring us two very big leaps closer to completing the development of this game. We want to finish this game and get it in your hands as soon as possible, but there are still some things left to do. Currently, development is focused on bosses and cutscenes. These are the final two remaining major milestones for the game. After that it's minor things like revamping the Inventory screen, adding the hidden Tomes that expound on the lore of the game, rounding out the final sound design (even though most is handled as we go), and the level select screen.

    It feels really good to be able to say the end is finally in sight. There are still things left to do, but the hardest parts of the development cycle are now done and behind us. I am extremely confident in saying that Anathema should be ready for release sometime in 2021, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

    We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!

    Follow us on Twitter at Esperware

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  • As we gather to bid farewell to 2023, this seemed like a great (and long overdue) opportunity to provide an update on Anathema's development. Overall, 2023 was subjected to multiple setbacks and delays due to somber personal life-events that took precedence and attention away from Anathema, but we managed to exit the year nonetheless with some major milestones. Please read below for further details!

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    • All in-game audio has been completely remastered. This allows for more headroom in the digital audio spectrum and should produce far less "clipping" audio and artifacts that was present in the 2017 demo.
    • The cover artwork is currently being drawn by our good friend Pyroklastic (his game can be found Please login to see this link.). We can't wait to unveil it when it's ready; the work-in-progress updates we've seen have been fantastic.
    • The polish phase has commenced. Below are select comparison screenshots from the 2017 demo to the 2023 pre-release build. Note that these are all still very much a work-in-progress and the animated version's resolution and color count have been lowered due to the service used to make the animated images.

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    • All in-game cutscene artwork renders have been completed and are now functional in-engine. This doesn't include the game's ending, which will begin production in 2024 after we reconvene to plan storyboards.
    • The number of images in cutscenes completed total to a whopping 593 panels that took approximately 100 hours just to render the imagery.
    • There are 28 cutscenes that span a 70 page script.
    • Voiceover lines were recorded in 2017, but will have some additional voiceover recordings for minor NPC characters.
    • Music, sound effects and voiceover lines are next to be added to cutscenes. The voiceover lines need final selection of best takes for each character, music will need to be scored for select scenes and sound effects where applicable.
    • Below are some screenshot examples taken from cutscenes at various points throughout the game.
      Note that all dialog text has been censored to prevent any potential spoilers of the story.

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    For those that have followed the development of Anathema since it went live on Steam Greenlight in 2015 (remember Steam Greenlight?), we've firmly not set a release date until we feel confident it is a date we will successfully deliver on. Anathema's core gameplay loop of all 13 stages is fully playable and complete from front-to-back and combined with the below updates and milestones, we can confidently say Anathema will release in 2024. While we're not ready to nail down a specific date, we feel this window is more than reasonable, but we will share more updates on the release date as they become available.

    Stay tuned for more updates in 2024! There's going to be a lot more as we ramp up towards the marketing and awareness phases leading up to release!


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