Low performace in Android Runtime

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  • Hello! would like you take a look at my application please.
    This showing excessive lag in Android Runtime. And I do not know why

    I do not want to use color reduction or 85,536 colors because there is several games with 16 million colors that work well in Play Store.

    The test device is a LG G3, which is a very powerful device and game resolution is very modest: 480 x 800 and the FPS still oscillating "60 - 40 "
    if you play at the same time in the device and the computer is easy to see that have a delay of one relative to the other

    Please login to see this link.

  • sometimes Yes Simon

    the computer gameplay is very smooth "FPS 60 - 60"
    but in the android, the gameplay is very slow sometimes... "FPS 60 - 40 "
    Sometimes yes sometimes not, with no apparent reason for this

    Tested in Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3 and LG G3 with the same result.

  • There is a lot that could be done to make this game run smoothly (there is no reason at all that you couldn't make this game run 60fps with a little work).. it just hasn't been made with memory limitations in mind..were you testing it on a device as you created it?

    One problem is texture sizes, for example, your cloud backdrop is 773x160 pixels but in memory this will actually be 1024x256.. It would also help if your events were grouped and disabled when not needed (this takes some careful design/thought) it would help if you didn't have 260 objects going at the same time.. this game should only ever need less than 100 objects at any given time. Scaling animations with alpha channels is generally not recommended for performance.

    The pipes should be broken up into smaller pieces rather than one huge image.. fine detection turned off everywhere it's not needed (pretty much everywhere in this case) all of your graphics should fit nicely into power of 2 sizes. See here - Please login to see this link. and here Please login to see this link.

    Check out my Game on Itch.io
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  • Thing is, this game DOES run at 60fps but there are random moments (not connected to a certain number of events running at that time or objects on-screen) when the FPS drops between 40 and 60fps.

    I have the same problem with my game and unfortunately no number of optimisations I've tried remove the random dips HOWEVER using the latest beta is proving to be good for performance - I'm still testing.

    I have noticed this happens a hell of a lot less on Android phones running vanilla Android (I'm using CM12 on my Note 4), even a simple reboot helps performance.

  • Metal_Shadow, the .apk has been deleted. Which kind of game is yours? I had problem with my app because I was trying to put a lot of active objects at the same time in the frame. After I removed the active objects and put a dynamic generation of tiles, it's running smooth now. There are a lot of optimizations that can be done, unfortunately the Android Runtime is slower.

    Tap And Go! released on Google Play Please login to see this link.

  • DaveC,

    My fault. I forgot to complete my sentence: "(...)unfortunately the Android Runtime is slower than Windows Runtime". :D

    Tap And Go! released on Google Play Please login to see this link.

  • Ls2,

    The dynamic generation of tiles that you mention, do you mean pasting into the background for obstacles? Creating/deleting objects? Or moving them about?

    I've been working on the latter; using a set number of objects (maximum that will ever be shown on the screen at any one time) and just moving them around the frame when you move on the level map.

  • I think Fusion 3.0 will improve the performance. For while, we need to accept the limitations of Android Runtime (it is constantly improving).

    Tap And Go! released on Google Play Please login to see this link.

    Edited once, last by Simon: CP (February 19, 2018 at 9:22 PM).

  • Try the latest builds -- I know Yves was working on somethings that increased FPS by a 3rd for some games.

    You do need to be careful creating and destroying objects in Android as the garbage collector seems to take the most time.
    Reuse objects.

    Please login to see this link.

  • Interesting, Jeff. I didn't know about the garbage collector in Android. I'll change my engine in order to recycle active objects.

    Tap And Go! released on Google Play Please login to see this link.

  • Try the latest builds -- I know Yves was working on somethings that increased FPS by a 3rd for some games.

    You do need to be careful creating and destroying objects in Android as the garbage collector seems to take the most time.
    Reuse objects.

    Fernando has done an incredible job with the Android Runtime, one of my new games is working only 15% slower than IOS and is super heavy, 1 year ago the same engine was 50% less than the version of iOS. ;)

    I hope can be implemented further improvements in its performance, I understand that Yves is in that.

    José Rafael Marcano
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  • Try the latest builds -- I know Yves was working on somethings that increased FPS by a 3rd for some games.

    You do need to be careful creating and destroying objects in Android as the garbage collector seems to take the most time.
    Reuse objects.

    I am using the 284n and unfortunately still oscillating.
    Can I send to you the engine in private?

    this is not really a fault of the android runtime.. like I said, you could easily get this game running smoothly on a low spec device.. it just requires a bit of work.

    50% game's fault
    50% exporter fault


    Adeb. I agree with you

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