No problem zip2kx!
Del_Duio: Sadly the name will have to change, though I'd like to have "Jarvis" somewhere in the title.
I am still taking suggestions/ideas!
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Open a TicketNo problem zip2kx!
Del_Duio: Sadly the name will have to change, though I'd like to have "Jarvis" somewhere in the title.
I am still taking suggestions/ideas!
Could you not just give it a subtitle?
"Sadly the name will have to change"
Why does it though? I don't think many people will give you any crap about it honestly.
And if it does well- which it looks to me like it will- then you'll have people find it by googling "Jarvis game" anyhow.
Rise up, brother chrilley!
It's entirely possible he's already consulted a lawyer on the subject. Or it's possible that he just wants to stay on the safe side, especially seeing as how people aren't as likely to remember a game called Jarvis.
Take it from a guy who changed the name of one of their games from "Galactic Battle" to "Echobyte Heroes": You want the name of your game to stand out.
You want to change the name because you believe that Marvel or Disney might give you trouble,but I don't think that jarvis infringes on their copyright/Trademark.
For those who don't know,Marvel has a character named jarvis who is iron man's AI/butler.In the more recent movies jarvis became the vision,so he will no longer be used in the movies and while Jarvis is still used in the comics he is a minor character.
On top of that companies cannot just own any name.You can have a character called "Dora" but you cannot have a show named "Dora the explorer".You can have a character named tony as long as their last name isn't stark.You can only infringe on someone's copyright or trademark if your work is too similar to theirs.
So you can have a game/character called jarvis,but your character can't be a butler or computer AI.
Jarvis is just a man's name, not even a big company would want to open that can of legal worms.
Guys we've had this discussion a few pages back, I'm seeing a lot of the same arguments already answered there
Since then I've had the opportunity to speak with more experienced people than me on the matter. Two of which are lawyers who both recommended that I at least give the game a title that doesn't already exist on the same or another platform within the market. It's not bullet proof but much better than having the exact same title as another trademarked app.
"Jarvis" can still be within the title but not just "Jarvis"(despite how much I like it).
If it were me I'd totally call it
"Jarvis: Go ahead, try and sue me!"
Oh I totally would haha.
I don't remember hearing about jarvis being in a smash bros clone!
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I found out from this video.
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Also how did that happen?
Del_Duio: If I cannot figure out another title I just might
Retrobolt: Haha - Yeah it's funny that he appears as a guest character before his own game is even released.
Felix, their project lead poked me on IndieDB shortly after I had uploaded my Jarvis project page there. He was looking for characters to put in his Smash Bros styled game. The idea is that all the characters are mostly borrowed from other indie games, hence "Indie Game Battle".
I think IGB is in its Early Access stages at the moment so you can find it on Steam and try it out.
Wow,that's cool.
Need to contact Volnaiskra,get Spryke in there.XD
Posted a long overdue update article on IndieDB yesterday and ended up in the headliners. It does give a few hundred extra visits which is always neat for such an unknown project
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It covers some aspects of what I've been doing since last year. Areas, Abilities, Combos, etc. People who has been following this thread know the gist of it though there are a couple of recent things in there too
Here are some of the gifs that hasn't been posted here yet though!
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The ancient soul enemy for the ruins area.
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The final(hopefully) water shader.
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A little bit of showcase of the moves
With the article hitting headlines I also managed to bump up to Top 3 too... As usual it is very temporary and the game will fall back into the thousands shortly but a few extra eyes on the game sure doesn't hurt!
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On that note; I know some here are interested in play-testing - Can I get a hand count either by reply or PM?
It's not an application so no worrying with what specs and experience you have I am just measuring interest before I go out with the testing announcement later on(which will have more info and proper mail to apply to).
Congrats on the promo. It is always good to get free exposure.
Also please sign me up for testing.
Congratulations on all your success, game looks great.
Thanks guys! Small success compared to most games really but relative to the tiny spotlight my game usually gets it was great
That's super mobichan! I'll probably be ready to start it up in "a couple of weeks or so". Together with the ones on who expressed interest on Twitter and some of my friends there should be a pretty solid & manageable testing group.
Chrilley, I'm definitely all in for playtesting if you want my warped perspective
That's great Del_Duio! Hopefully I'll have a good playable slice of the game available for testing soon
me too - I'm in for playtesting
Chrilley, this is seriously going to make thousands of dollars on Steam.
Considering all the unknowns with greenlight- evern though this has already been greenlit- do you think you'll have to release it to the store before they make the changes concerning Steam Direct? They haven't really been very forthcoming with information and I wouldn't want it to potentially ruin your chances especially.
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