Lacewing is an amazing piece for Fusion and I am glad to have it. I've made several simple games using peer-to-peer connection, in which one player types in the IP address and hosting port of the other player to then connect to a game and goof around.
I now endeavor to make a nice working game/demo of a typical lobby system, a system in which players "logon" to the game (that part is not the issue, however - we already have an excellent "login" tutorial) and are then presented with a LISTING of hosted games from which to choose and connect. Connecting to play with IP addresses (and the people behind them) that they do not already know the "numbers" of beforehand.
I've been trying to scrape together a solution for this, and am curious the forums thoughts. Typing in "online game lobby" will yield a few threads from 5+ years ago, and this online example, which I believe is the only one: Please login to see this link..
Trying to manipulate it, I believe the example above does not work because it attempts to connect to port 6121 of the server "", which appears to no longer be operational, but I can't really derive what it's supposed to look like when it is working, either, and am not sure if it is broken by updates to Lacewing (it is old) or Fusion, or both.
How are you guys approaching a "Lobby" system with Lacewing? Does anybody know of a good tutorial or have an operational example to show? In one forum post a guy mentioned he made one but was going to offer it for pay. I'd be down to pay for it, then I'll package it up, fix it up my way, and make a video myself of how to do it, hah.