e-Mail issues in Fusion?

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi All,

    I have a little app that i created for work - but i have been asked include a couple of email functions inside of it.

    I had actually been asked a while ago, but after trying to get the email object working - i gave up after several attempts due to it not doing much. Using my works email settings, it connects but doesn't do anything else.

    If i try to enter gmail server details, it doesn't appear to do anything (not even a connect).

    has anyone got php scripts that have done the job for them? Or any advice regarding this would be appreciated.


  • I'm sorry I never used that,
    but assuming that the object works correctly, you may have to setup it properly,
    I recently got a gmail webapp correctly sending messages with coldfusion, so maybe replicating this setup could help?

    This is the cfcode, highly readable, for sending,
    note the gmail needed parameters, in particular "port" and "SSL" active:


    this works for SMTP sending,
    for receiving you should check gmail docs on pop/imap connections setup

    If this is not helping, maybe I could test in the afternoon to see if the object works for me

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • I was using the example that comes with the object.

    If I try this in F2.5..

    Start of Frama - POP3: Connect to server etc etc

    I get F2.5 crashing with the following error edrt.exe is not responding.

    Thing is, i purchased the dev version thinking email would work fine, and it never really has if i'm being honest.

  • Ok, I give up XD

    I've tried with the example included,
    got server connect on gmail and work account,
    but none of them actually sent mail D:<

    Don't want to be too pessimistic but...
    there may be something broken :(

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • Yeah it's defo broken. I think clickteam should maybe remove any mention of this object of the comparison page between F2.5 and F2.5 Dev until it works again.

    edit: actually looks like it's not listed on the comparisons anymore anyway.

  • I recommend looking into some php scripts but there's a lot of fairly insecure ones out there, you definitely want to keep injection attempts in mind and also the fact that when you send data over the internet and it's not https secured, it's never private, there are always webhosting logs and risks of hacking.

    If your work doesn't mind the risk having that information public then feel free to go down the php script route.

    Please login to see this link.

  • If I remember correctly the extension doesn't support secure SMTP. both ports 465 and 587 are secure SMTP connections. Also smtp.Gmail.com doesn't support a non-secure SMTP connection. From what I can tell they do have a non-secure SMTP server: aspmx.l.google.com. A alternative is to setup a SMTP relay at your end that forwards the email to Gmail via secure.

    So that will be the sending side. For the receiving you'll need to use POP3/IMAP and from what I can tell Gmail offers no non-secure way to directly connect to this. Again you use a "middle man" in the form of a pop collector at you end (A server that collects the email via secure and redirects to a mailbox that allow non-secure connections). The secure ports for POP3 and IMAP are 995 and 993 respectively.

    Of course a simpler way would be to use an email supplier that doesn't insist on secure connections. (Most email providers in america only allow secure connections).

  • Good news!

    After messing around i have finally got this working =)

    edit: although it has crashed occasionally...

    Edited 4 times, last by Redsquirrel (April 30, 2015 at 2:53 PM).

  • Are you able to provide the event lines or MFA example? I've found in the past that fast loops can cause issues with extensions so the crashing may be the way in which the email is being processed.

    Also are you needing to send and/or receive email? I did make an example of processing an imap mailbox without using the email extensions a while back by using the winsock extension. You could also do similar with SMTP (by using SMTP commands).

  • Ill upload it in a few mins before i go home.

    I'm only using it to send email.

    It's a bit hit and miss though, sometimes it works and other times it just appears to get stuck on sending. (or crashes) but it would be great to great any opinions on improving it. It might be something to do with our server having too many messages sent in too short a period? im not sure. I have made a bug report anyway.

    edit: here it is

    (obviously i have changed the server details etc)

  • Well i'm back at home - i have tried the gmail non -ssl and that is working fine. If i send the emails to my gmail account they get treated as spam though.

    gmail (non ssl) server is aspmx.l.google.com

  • Thank you, that's useful info I'll store in the event of future use.

    Nice to know it's still working.
    However, since SSL is widely used and the option was already available at the time of extension creation,
    It would be great if the object could be upgraded to work with modern SSL technology.

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • It's possible that your company block outgoing SMTP connections from workstations. Which is quite a common practice as only the email server should be making outgoing SMTP connections. I guess the extension doesn't handle failures to connect very well. Resulting in a crash.

    The email extension definitely needs an update. Support for SSL is pretty much standard now days. Like I said. You're less likely to find an American company that offers non-secure email connections. So as time goes on the extension becomes less and less useful.

  • Some ISP's block sending smtp mail unless you use their SMTP Server. This was to help prevent "spam sending" programs and not knowing where it came from. Also, some limited the number of emails your program can send "per hour" from their servers. Again to block spam sending programs.

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