Hey guys!
I've been manually building a small platform engine, nothing fancy, but I thought I'd include a delta-time.
It works okay, all the speeds are exactly what I want them them to be, but when the frame-rate goes a way down, the character will move more and more pixels at once.
So many pixels it's going through my collision detectors. Well, I kind of figured out this would happen.
So I took a look of fast loops, I can start fast loop say 5 times, and add 1 pixel so it will check all the 5 pixels but keep the speed. This could work, but I can't figure how to use delta-time here.
I could start fast loop... say 5 times *deltatime, but it will round and won't be quite as accurate as I'd like it to be. Though the difference is nothing huge, but just thinking.
Anyways, any good ideas?