I need to use Sketchy's brilliant pathfinding algorithm in my game because I'm nowhere near that clever but I am struggling to adapt it to fit my purpose.
The only thing I need to do is to be able to start the map at a grid number larger than zero. You see, when I move my map to the bottom of the screen (where the character will need to walk) the whole thing breaks because it's probably mapping the top nodes starting from zero. I have studied the code over and over and tried lots of things but I can't seem to add 26 to the Y value anywhere in order to get it to work again.
Please find attached my attempted modification. I have added an alterable string to the pathfinder which says "AGE Y start" and added the value 26 to it because ideally I would like to be able to change this at the start of a new environment to tell the code how far down the screen it should start the mapping process.
I'm still a bit of a noob so sorry for maybe missing something which might seem obvious but I can't for the life of me find where I need to add this value in the event editor. My guess is that the loops are starting at zero (which would normally make sense) but I really need them to start at the new alterable string value which will change depending on the graphics of my game's level.
Download my rubbish reverse engineering attempt at:
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I assume that by placing obstacle objects over the unwalkable areas that this should work pretty well once I attach my animated character to the node. Also.. is there any way to speed the movement up at all?