First of all the images and videos:
This are some test i made showing the progresion of customization.
Test1: Please login to see this link.
Test2: Please login to see this link.
Test3: Please login to see this link.
How looks the final version:
Please login to see this picture.
Wall/doors textures 1024x1024 and floor/ceiling and sprites 512x512.
Is a good extension but the lack of configuration, options,etc... make the extension a bit dissapointing and very hard to understand or modify to get the desired results, and more for a noob(Like me XD).
1- Actually same Floor and Ceiling tile for all the map . Will be great set the floor/ceiling textures like wall/doors around all the map.
2- Doors/wall transparency only when you want to see the exterior. If you try to add transparency in some door or something you will see the exterior.¿?.
3- No Alpha channel! Not for walls/doors/sprites. Only a single color that make very ugly create gas/smoke or defined sprites.
4- Ilumination. Will be good some kind of distance-ilumination. Depending how far/close the wall/door/floor/ceiling/sprites be more light or dark. A simple configuration in the map editor on you can set the level of darkness. For example 0 will be like now and from 1 to 9 will be the number of tiles around the player that fades to black. This will make the game looks more realistic and inmersive.
5- More predefined objects added in the example like at least one enemy moving to the people simple can change the image/animations and set various around the map easily with animations of Walk/attack/death. Also Barrels explosion, an option in the raycaster editor to say if the sprite can explode and put in their "desappearing" properties the explosion animation when a bullet impacts.
Price and Selling
$3.99 is a good price, but not much people will be willing to pay with this lack of features and without watch what all they can do really. The webpage of the Raycast extension not help much, is very... well check yourself: Please login to see this link.
Adding the previous features and a bit more things the extension can be selled perfectly by $9.99 or more. Also including more good-looking examples, videos, etc... in their store webpage to attract the people interested to catch them. Also some .exe file to download, with that, the possible buyer can play and see what he can make with that and increase the possibilities of selling the product. Also a video-guide of somebody getting the example file included and showing the process to transform in other thing.
Some Questions
Is the Raycaster extension abandoned or will be updated?
If the creators have free time and more people like me are interested, can we get an update? If they open a KickStarter of something i'm willing to donate . Maybe they can open a Kickstarter/Indiegogo or whatever with a goal price and see if get success.
At least at the moment i not go to develop a game with that, too much time and headache to include all the things and others that actually can't be added or will need a lot of skills that i not have. BTW the practice was fun, i always desired develop a Wolfenstein3D/Doom game and in three days i created something interesting, maybe some day with an extension update i can continue with that.