Hi! I've been working on a series of dynamic touch-screen controls for Android and iOS. Basically, the controls are all customizable and spawn where the user touches on the screen. Check out this video to see it in action in a few different game types:
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I haven't finished coding it yet, nor have I finished commenting the code, so I'm not releasing the source just yet. But try it out on your devices and let me know what you think!
Download links:
Android: Please login to see this link.
iOS: Please login to see this link.
More Details:
Control types:
- Single Joystick control with a button
- Dual Joystick control
- Horizontal slider + button
- Vertical slider + button
- 8 Directional "d-pad" style movement + button
- All controls can be either Dynamic (spawn when the user touches the screen) or Static (they stay visible at all times and do not move)
- The scale of the on-screen controls can be increased or decreased
- The "Spawn Area" for Dynamic controls can be changed (For example: Joystick can be set to be used in the Lower-Left portion of the screen, Button to the Lower-Right portion)
- Button "repeat" can be turned on and off, if you'd like the user to be able to tap and hold, or tap each time to activate the button's function
Technical customizations:
- A Joystick's radius and deadzone can be customized however you like
- Buttons have customizable "repeat delays" for tap-and hold functions
- Dynamic Joysticks have an "edge safe" mode (on by default) that prevents the user from spawning a joystick so close to the screen edge that the joystick cannot be used.
- Screen boundaries can be customized to whatever you please, not just the preset halves and quarters of the screen I've implemented.
(All visual assets by Kenny: Please login to see this link.)