Hello Clickers,
I'm revisiting some questions that I had when I first purchased the iOS exporter a couple of years ago. (I still don't find the answers by doing a forum search.) At that time, there were no real CF widgets for iOS development.
I have an app that I'd like to rewrite using CF, but I use the Tableview also sometimes called Listview in the app. I populate the Tableview using json. The user scrolls through the list, selects one item and proceeds to the next "page" or screen. All this is a completely common iOS interface.
[INDENT]*Is there a way to create an iOS Tableview using CF?
*What about populating the list with json? If not json, what?
*Are there any iOS widgets/elements via extensions or ?[/INDENT]
I haven't used CF much over the years, but would like to get back to it when/if it makes development easier on iOS. I currently use CSS,HTML5, javascript,jquery,jquery mobile,Cordova,and Xcode.
I'm really tired of having to deal with such a myriad of technologies, but would like to use iOS "look and feel" widgets.
Perhaps someone can point me to examples or information that I've missed or talk about how they populate lists using CF. I understand that CF is utilized more as a game maker, but it has always been around as a platform for applications too.
Thanks for your comments. This has always been a great forum.