I've read and re-reread many questions on this forum related to setting resolutions for a variety of devices. I've also looked at Ander's example. I'm still confused. This is a simple thing to do in HTML. It just takes two lines of script in the head tag.
My Questions:
1. What are the steps to design for all iOS devices (a universal app)?
I don't want black boxes. Users HATE that even if it gets by Apple's Review Team.
2.Stretching impacts sprite/image quality. How is this dealt with?
3. Can I set the app for both orientations (Portrait and Landscape)? If so, how?
Every time I come back to Fusion, it won't do easily what I need. I'd like to use it. I'm really tired of cobbling HTML5,CSS,Javascript,Jquery,Jquery Mobile, and Cordova together. Add that to Xcode and, well, you get the idea.
A serious tutorial for those of us who learn by reading and doing would be appreciated greatly.