Fused Only in pdf ?

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Fused always published in pdf?

    I please have asked to published Fused in html.......

    Pdf format its bad for traductions and terrible for seo....and only for English speakers.I do not understand this policy.D:<

    All engines publish manual,tutorials and information for so you can understand many people...... All except Clickteam


  • I have no problem with Fused newsletter being in PDF format, however I do agree that I sometimes questioned why all official tutorials, guides etc are in PDF. I believe it's for the sake of simplicity, but you're right that by making it so people will never see what Fusion are capable of (because let's be honest.. we won't download random PDF files unless we really needed it)

    By having tutorials, guides etc formatted properly on web, it'll make a great exposure for Clickteam products. All other competitors have their official resources accessible in a form of webpage, yet CT restricting themselves with PDF.. and even, Windows CHM format. This is why user-contributed ClickWiki could be a good fresh air in this desert...

    <span style="font-weight: bold">My MMF2 Application:</span>
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  • Thanks for your comments Ran

    Fusion its really good tool and i love this....but the information its hides and disorderly.
    Tutorials in pdf....this its good as option...but not as first option (bad for web responsive ,bad for traductors,etc)
    Please clickteam take on a webmaster and remake this forum organization....and clickstore OMG ....its terrible experience.
    Sorry for my review but it is for the benefit of Clickteam
    Best web/forum/organization+best clickshop= more money and happy clients for clickteam


  • I do agree PDF only is a questionable choice. It's not easy for non-native English speakers when there isn't convenient PDF software to translate it for you - If it was a web page, then it's easy. Chrome for instance will make an offer.

    It's also harder to find something specific at a later date that might be buried in one of the pages. There isn't a central point (except Please login to see this link.) for downloading past copies and what was in them.

    If future editions are written on Google Docs, for instance -- then the option to download as local files - PDF, OpenOffice, MS Word, Plain Text - is available if desired, and rest of us can read on the web.

    I'm pretty sure the feedback will be listened to and be used to improved upon. I feel things are a bit messy sometimes.

    Please login to see this link. - The encyclopaedia written by clickers, for the community.
    Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

  • PDF is one of the most use able and most accessible formats known to date. Every OS has almost native support for it and even mobile/tablets have native support for PDF. Whilst not providing a structured markup, PDF is actually quite a juicy element for SEO and the SERPS. If you don't believe me, head over to Google and type in "clickteam physics tutorial" and see the first result (regardless of your location).

    With regards to the Webmaster/Clickstore comment, I think this is a little premature. Simon does a fantastic job of managing the servers and the websites with security and reliability being his number one priority. I have been with Simon out eating lunch and he's remotely accessing the servers from his phone just to ensure they're running fine. Constructive criticism is more than welcome with regards to the stores, the website and the ClickStore but I will defer from reading comments with no tangible base.

    If you read the latest edition of Fused, you will see where I mention my latest CT project in which there will be one, central location online for all documentation and tutorials (past, present and future). I'm currently developing this as we speak, hopefully I can provide you with an update in the next edition.

    To sum up... I fail to see more cons over the pros at the moment. PDF is a highly visible, accessible and cross-platform file format which serves a good purpose for the interim.

    Game Launcher Creator V3 - Please login to see this link.
    Bespoke Software Development - Please login to see this link.
    Learn Clickteam Fusion 2.5 - Please login to see this link.

    Danny // Clickteam

  • Check out this easy tool: Please login to see this link.

    You can translate PDF with a few clicks, easy!

    I am happy to listen to comments and criticism about ClickStore or forums etc., but just saying it's a "terrible experience" tells me nothing... you need to be specific.

  • Simon... I sorry my words .I think they have been very unfair (fustrating day).The web has greatly improved and the shop also although there are still many things to improve....Versions in Community passport outdated...Tutorials unorganized by categories.
    ...When an unofficial external page is needed (ClickWiki)it is because something could improve.
    I would encourage you to continue to improve. ;)

    Danny...I like his work and I have complained only format that is right for everyone.
    Please look my idea good format :

    Please login to see this link.

    This use all resources . Images,Video,slideshow..all multimedia posibilities and text good for translate ......and pdf.

    Click big hug!!


    Edited once, last by Yves (March 12, 2022 at 8:01 AM).

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