Please login to see this picture.Extension-less Text Blitter Widget
A widget which uses only 2 actives can blit text extremely fast in bitmap fonts (a.k.a Frames inside Active's Animation)
You place both of the actives (TypeFont and Blitter) into your frame, you create Blitter at runtime, and so text will be automatically blitt for you.
Events needed to create text on screen:
+Start of Frame
------Create "Blitter" at x,y
------Set Blitter_Text to "Awesome!"
------Set Blitter_ID to "text"
------Additional Text Formatting (Documented inside .mfa)
How to Add your own Font
- Place the Please login to see this attachment. extension inside your frame.
- Click it and go to its Settings
- Scroll down and click on "Generate Images from Font"
- Select your desired font and size
- Picture Editor should pop up after you Accept. Save the images as numbered image files
- Double click the TypeFont Active, create a new Animation
- Load the numbered image files as animation and make sure The hotspot is located at the top left, and the action spot can be anywhere
- Loop the animation with 0 Speed
- Remove the Character Image extension from your frame
First release, yay!
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Found any bugs or you have any suggestions? Please leave them below, thanks!