Programming Jumping and Gravity in Fusion 2.5?

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  • So I'm currently building a bare-bones functioning game that involves simple platforming. Quite literally a box moving left and right and jumping. I know there's an option to assign platforming movement to an active object, but I honestly would be more comfortable and would feel more in control if I programmed the movement myself.
    So instead I'm opting for simply adding or subtracting from the X and Y coordinates of the player object while the left and right arrow keys are held down for side-scrolling movement.
    However, I have yet to figure out how to use this same method for jumping and gravity. I know being able to jump would be running an event that occurs after hitting a certain key, which takes in the current Y-coordinate of the player and runs it through a parabolic formula. And then gravity would simply be constantly subtracting from (or I guess in Fusion's case, adding to) the current Y-value of the player object while the frame is running. So the question simply is where and how do I implement these things in order to create jumping and gravity. I figure there's a correct syntax for a parabolic formula when creating an event after "jump" is pressed, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. As for gravity, I'm completely lost.

    Thanks and appreciation in advance.

  • Clickteam has a custom platform movement tutorial on their site: Please login to see this link.

    Custom A* Pathfinding in MMF2: Please login to see this link.
    Random Tile World Generation: Please login to see this link.

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