Anyone else getting slow downs when using 160+ Objects each with their own Arrays?

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  • I prefer use ini because it's more easy to detect a mistake . If i do an error i can check with blocknote directly on files .

    For my game, i must to save
    X position of tiles
    Y positon of tiles
    Type of tiles
    Y of level begin
    Y of level end 1
    Y of level end 2
    Number of tiles

    I don't think array can save all because there is 3D only

    After, program with array is faster than ini

    Sorry for my english

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  • You don't even need to worry about posting it in that thread. :) Mostly just as an exercise so you can try new ways of doing things and see what works and what doesn't. Without knowing more about what you're doing here, there isn't too much specific help we can offer you. From what I've gathered, you're trying to store and access large numbers of strings in your objects and it's slowing down Fusion, but there are lots of ways to speed that up and it really does depend what the strings are for.

    Do you have an example .mfa that you can upload so we can see more what's going on?

  • I can show you ini files for moment because mfa is in developement

    Tell me if you cannot access to the link

    Ini is write on frensh (my language) but you can understand without problem

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  • I think I have deleted all versions of this without backing it up. Oh well but I remember the process:

    Start Loop CreateActive X number of times

    On loop

    Make Active
    Create Array
    Add 1 to global_number
    set Active AltVal A to global_number
    set Active AltVal B/Unique to random(1, 10)
    create number array
    set Value at 1 on X to Active AltValA
    set Value at 2 on X to Active AltValB

    now this second part is a bit confusing to remember because i could have done it multiple ways... but basically i create a string array it may have been consequential in a for loop event above which triggers a for each loop or I may have just created it in this same event..

    so right after above loop create this loop

    Start Loop createstringstoowner 1 time

    On loop createstringstoowner
    start for each loop number arrays CreateSisterStringArraysToOwner

    On each number array, do loop CreateSisterStringArraysToOwner
    create string array
    set at 1 on X to str$(val(numberArrayValue(At X 1)) // This is just converting the value found at the X 1 slot on the number array to a string to be converted later when compared

    later of course I must run a for each loop on each string array to check another for each loop on each number array to test the different values for Alt val B stored and if it = a certain value write a unique string which is like

    For each numarray
    start for each on stringarrays //I think I did an event like this to pick both

    numarray value at 1 on X = val(str$(my string value ID value) // choosing same
    numarray value at 2 on X = 2 or 10 whatever // choosing unique
    write "blah blah" to my 2 on X for string array

    anyway I can see why I deleted this, it is many steps and makes no sense after awhile with too much overhead for performance. I will learn the use arrays to be stored as text way for objects this one is too much and too bloated.

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