Hi everyone,
I'm new with Fusion (and also new on this forum, this is my 1rst port). I've been searching for more than 3 hours, but I can't find how to do what I want to do, even if it is simple (in my opinion)
I'm making a platformer. I want the main character, being an active object moving with Physics platformer mouvments, to jump on a spring (active object 2), or something that will make him bounce.
While setting active 2 object with Physics Spring mouvement, the "spring" works.... but even if my active 1 is running through it by the side.
So I MAINLY want the spring to be effective only when my active 1 is comming from the top, not from the sides. In those case, active 1 should just stop, as if active 2 was an obstacle.
IN A PERFECT WORLD, the spring would work on both bottom and top sides. So if active 1 jump and hits active 2 from the bottom, active 1 would bounce down. And if active 1 jump on active 2 from the top, active 1 would bounce up.
I may be just too dump, or too noob, but I can't get this to work. Could someone please help me to do this?? It would be VERY apreciated.
Thank you!