Help! For no reason at all this method of saving has screwed up. The method of logging global values to INI++ has just stopped working. I had this sorted last year and now I've come to sort it into a new engine I've made, it's just not working any more. Having spent the last few hours driving myself nuts, I'm wondering if there's been any updates which made this break or something.
Start of frame = Apppath$ + "data\Saved.ini"
Then for Manual Saving:
Set Group "SaveStats"
Set Item " HPVal" in group "SaveStats" to value HPVal (Setting=0)
When you press load game:
Set Group "SaveStats"
Set GlobalValueA to GetItemValue( "Ini++ v1.5 Object", "SaveStats", " HPVal", HPVal )
Can somebody help please. I hate having to keep going back to fix things that were fine it keep dragging me back and slowing me down.
*I'm using the INI++ because of the bugs in the 1.5 version I was told about last year.