Actives Objects same position problem when scrolling

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Searched the forum but couldnt find much about this..

    Does anyone know if there's a solutuion to the problem where having an active object set to the same position (always) as another causes a lag/offset in the position when scrolling?

    Here a picture to describe what I mean.

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    In my game the spaceships can have different colors, but the top "color object" moves around and jitters and wont get the same position as the base spaceship object when scrolling. Not scrolling it works fine.

    This is an old problem I think, I've come across it before, just wanted to know if anyone had any solution or ideas?

  • I've just tried a quick test and it doesn't seem to happen to me
    (if my eyes don't deceive me..)

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    Is this what you're doing or there are some differences?

    OH - one thing, this has driven me crazy for a while in another project,
    when everything started becoming jittery without evident reason upon scrolling,
    I had to check the "follow the frame" option for those objects, which I had unchecked
    (since you always set positions relative to other objects and this should theorically be unneeded)
    make sure you have that option checked!

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • If you are using built-in movements like 8 directions, it seems that the logic for the movement runs after the events in the event editor occur. There is no way to get around this to my knowledge.

    If you are making your own movement (as most advanced users do anyway), the problem is simple, you just need to make sure your "Set position" event comes after the movement logic.

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  • well Im using physics for movement so there's no easy way to replicate it by making my own movement..

    the only workaround I can think of is to have the object that moves be invisible and have two objects set to that position instead of one.. it would still cause an offset but you wouldnt notice it I hope.. but the movement might feel sluggish instead..

  • Don't know how all this may be related to physics being a issue?

    Unfortunately I've never played much with physics and don't have a case-report for that situation,
    hope you can recreate it and see if/what breaks!

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • XD yeah, I have a cat actually,
    but he seems uninterested in quantum mechanics
    (but he is in harming lizards, to my despair)

    I'm unsure wether to explore in depth Fusion Physics or not...
    I fear not being able to control every dot as I would like to
    ...but it looks very cool, nevertheless!
    Looking for satisfied user reviews to make the big jump XD

    happy you sorted out, anyway!

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • Quote

    poor lizards!

    yeah :(:(


    :) physics is pretty great actually.. it takes some getting used to, you manipulate objects by setting the mass and applying forces instead of just setting the speed, but once you get the concept you can get things to react to each other in really interesting ways.

    Thanks, I will surely look into it thoroughfully someday, I've just played around with it 'till now and seemed interesting and "quickly productive"
    but whenever I had to do something and I needed a reliable level of "control", I ended up doing something else.

    Well, didn't want to change the topic direction, so thanks for your feedback on this :)

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

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