Is it a good idea to create games only using the global event editor?

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  • Hi, i have a question, Fairly recently (like in the last year) I noticed there's a global event editor, I was wondering if I could code games in that rather than the level event editor, because I waste alot of time copying and pasting events from level to level, they might as well simply be global and only become activated on certain levels or when particular objects are present, but would this cause problems unforeseen to me? like would the game screw up when it reached a certain size? or would it use tons on resources? Also could I just make every object global or is this a bad idea? I generally ration out global privileges to objects. Some programmer told me i should do that years ago, but that advice might be redundant now.

  • A very importaint aspect is to correctly arrange Events so they trigger in the correct order.
    When for example working in the normal Event Editor ( of a Frame ), it easy to see that all Events are triggered from top to bottom and create/ arrange/ rearrange them accordingly.

    Regarding your question, keep in mind there are 3 different Event Editors, and this is the ORDER which they are triggered:
    - Frame Events ( this is what your probably used to )
    - Global Events
    - Object Behavior Events ( Which Objects Behavior comes first depends on which object was first in the frame )

    I personally find working only with the Frame Event Editor the easies, giving me a full overview over all events without switching between the different Event Editors, and it doesnt 'lock' the order of my events in any way ( as it does if you look at the list above )

    You could use 2 or more of the event editors, but it would require carefull planning to avoid complications i think.
    - Im not sure if this is the case anymore, but i think Global Events have problems with Object Qualifier Groups.
    - Alos note that if you program ALL your Events in the Global Event Editor, youd have for example ALL the Events for all your 10 Levels run ALL the time, which is unessesary and might impact performance.

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  • Dont know if I'm wrong (if its false, correct me please). But everytime I want to reorder actions inside a event of global events, I copy this, paste in frame events, reorder and paste again on global events.
    This is soooo annoying..

    Then I ask....WHY global events just dont have Event list editor?????

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  • I never said it was possible to use 1 'Frame' to develop all your Levels, i said i prefered to only work in the 'Frame Event Editor' ( and disregard Global Events and Behaviour Events ).

    ... Allthough, it should be possible to develop all your levels using only 1 Frame.
    Just use Layers as your used to use Frames, and make layers vissible/ invissible according to what Frame/ Level you want the Application to display.
    Would need some carefull planning though i presume.

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  • A suggestion for everyone complaining about the tedium of copy-pasting code between frames:

    Structure your code so that it is a bunch of groups inside of a big group. This way you can just close the master group containing all of your code, and copy that, then paste to the new frame. Always start your coding like this, since it also makes things like manual pausing much easier because you can section off certain parts of code that should pause in their own "pause-able" group and then de-activate/activate whenever: Please login to see this attachment.

    To go along with this, put most of your important objects together, outside of the frame, and just uncheck "create at start" and create them manually via code. This way you can just drag all your objects into a new frame at once.

    Yet another thing you could do is set up template frames that are blank except for crucial objects/code, and then copy paste those as needed so you can start a new level.

    The best method is still to use one frame, an array, and a level editor; but that is fairly advanced if you're just starting out. There are examples in the file archive that should lead you in the right direction should you feel ready to tackle that. Don't listen to King_Cool's suggestion of layers and toggling visibility, if you're going with one frame. Should always use array-based level editors otherwise you'll be dealing with a most likely slow trainwreck

    Best person at writing incomprehensible posts. Edits are a regularity.

  • I use global events only for stuff i know i will use a lot on every frame. Like accessing menues or that the player character fires a bullet when his shooting animation frame = 10 or whatever. So for stuff that you know you will copy/paste on almost every frame you should keep global i think. I also have a day/night cycle and that is of course a global event

  • Dont know if I'm wrong (if its false, correct me please). But everytime I want to reorder actions inside a event of global events, I copy this, paste in frame events, reorder and paste again on global events.
    This is soooo annoying..

    Then I ask....WHY global events just dont have Event list editor?????

    You can use the Actions Editor (double-click on a box in the event editor) and rearrange actions from there. Hope this helps.

  • Thanks for the responses. So I take it that using global events for everything isn't really an option? If i have frame events (didn't that used to be called the level event editor?) on multiple levels and then I find a bug, is there a way to change the code on all the frames simultaneously without having to go to each individual level, delete the specific code then paste? this really is the crux of the issue. I already try and structure things use groups, blah, it's still a massive annoyance.

  • Active variable names do not carry over to the global editor (so you'll have Alterable Value A, B, C instead of named stuff like 'health', 'ID', 'speed')

    For anything except the most simple game, this makes coding in the global editor a pain and will introduce a lot of inefficiencies into your project.

    The 'make your own level editor' method is still recommended, and using a single frame for similar types of gameplay. I believe someone has a level editor widget floating around that's really handy.

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  • A suggestion for everyone complaining about the tedium of copy-pasting code between frames:

    Structure your code so that it is a bunch of groups inside of a big group. This way you can just close the master group containing all of your code, and copy that, then paste to the new frame. Always start your coding like this, since it also makes things like manual pausing much easier because you can section off certain parts of code that should pause in their own "pause-able" group and then de-activate/activate whenever: Please login to see this attachment.

    Agreed: I particularly like that it auto-corrects the names of other groups, for the purposes of disabling/enabling of groups-within-groups. For example, in the game I'm working on at the moment, I have "P1 Picks up Invincibility Powerup" as a top level group and all the other parts (starting the timer for how long this lasts, disabling of groups that kill player, etc.) are all triggered from within this stack of groups. Once it works for P1, it's easy to make a copy, then just change the P1 objects for the P2 one.

    I even find that I start naming groups in such a way that they auto-rename sensibly when doing this.

    As a tip, get in the habit of writing *all* code like this: It doesn't take any longer and you'd be amazed how often you think, "I'll never re-use this code in this project", only to find that later, you add something similar (EG another powerup or whatever) that could be done this way.

  • I finally understood the win by using less frames..i started my rpg with seperate frames for every scene. Now 24 frames later i put as many scenes as i can in only one frame and make every scene its own group...that way i can use the same object for entirely different purposes. Active picture 1 for example can be used for displaying the background for every scene and that is nice...saving resources. I load almost everything external as well...even the npc's who aren't walking around are externally loaded gif animations. Works perfect :D

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