Hi, I'm new at the forums.
I'm making kind of a pipe game with Fusion 2.5 and I need some advice how to detect tiles that are connected in circles.
I'm using Advanced Gameboard Object to detect connected tiles and it works. The connected tiles are marked in blue, but the problem is that I have no clue if I can use the Advanced Gameboard Object to detect only the closed circles of tiles.
I mean I need it to detect and destroy the ones that is connected making a circle.
Also it has to destroy the tiles that is inside the circle, but leave the ones that is connected to the circle but not part of the circle untouched.
I think I can do it without the AGBO or any extension by using different Alterable Values and stuff, but it takes lot of code lines and a lot of time to do this.
Is there any easier way or extension to use to do this?
I'm planning to do a HTML5 game.
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