I have a top-down shooter engine I'm making, I have an eight-directional movement active being controlled by wasd (through the player controls menu) I have another active object being used as a cursor (invisible) and I have set the character to look at that object using:
Always > look at object "cursor"
However when I then move the character the direction sets to the direction he is moving, as it does by default with the eight directional movement selection, this means that whilst not moving the character rotates toward the cursor but once moving will look in the direction it is walking.
Please Help! try as I will I cannot find any solution to deactivating this. Frustratingly I've found a tutorial where the user talks about finding a solution to this in the description, but never made the next episode he promised to explain it in.
P.S: I have another active as the gun overlayed over the character which rotates toward the mouse independently of the movement of the character, this is attributed to a bouncing ball but it looks really bad when I'm aiming one way and backing out and the character is shooting his gun over his shoulder.
I've probably made it more complicated than I should have but please help!!!