Hi everyone,
I'm trying to understand the "for each" action and the "on each object" condition and how they work. I couldn't find anything on them in the help files. Are they related to one and other?
I thought it was a case where the "for each" action started a loop and the "on each object" was where the events went. But I have 2 events in the loop and I can't seem to get it to work properly. I'm using it on a group, dose that make a difference?
I'm making a semi-isometric game and I want to give all the buildings a "shadow" object with the same ID. So that the "shadow" object can be used for collision detection and when the building is destroyed it's "shadow" is destroyed too. So there are no invisible walls left behind.
I have 2 different objects in the group, I spread 0 through the Alterable Value A (witch I named ID) of the group. Then, in the loop I check to see if another veriable is set to 1 or 2. It creates the "Shadow" object but it doesn't set the ID to the ID of the main object. It instead sets it to the last ID of the other set of objects.
I hope that explanation makes sense, thanks for reading this fare. Any help would be greatly appreciated.