Hi! I just released two new widgets on the ClickStore!
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An extremely accurate, adjustable Beat Per Minute timer to use in music games and software!
Create your own Rhythm Heaven, Parappa The Rapper, or Music Sequencer!
- Change the BPM at any time!
- Create events timed down to the 16th note!
Comes with two built-in examples: a Rhythm Heaven inspired "Singing" minigame, and a simple 4-row, 16-note music sequencer!
Please login to see this link.
A camera and aim-control widget based on Nuclear Throne's crosshair behavior!
- Adjust the radius of the crosshair movement
- Change the distance the camera moves from the player
- Adjust the intensity of SCREENSHAKE on the fly!
Oh, like anything Vlambeer inspired, it also has built in support for [[SCREENSHAKE]]!
100% supported on mobile, and works great with my Dynamic Joystick Widget
Comes with two built in examples: a top-down shooter based on Nuclear Throne, and a look-ahead platformer-camera example!
Nuclear Crosshair video: Please login to see this link.
Both are of course open source, both come with two example games, and neither require any additional extensions!
(note: the platformer example uses the Platform Movement Object, but the widgets do not require anything but themselves to function)
If you end up using any of my widgets, please contact me so I can share your creations!
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